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Everything posted by ann

  1. There are definitely times when I wish I was one of Them . . .
  2. Very rarely -- and not in a few years, having grown up some -- I placed bids like the giant jump one at the end. Came out of frustration and anger at being constantly outbid outbid outbid on something I really wanted. Waited until the last minute and then put in a bid that was perilously close to Way Too Much For Me, figuring either I'd win, dammit, or, if the other guy sniped me, it might at least make him hurt. You want it, huh? Huh? This bad? Huh? But I got over it. It was just a phase I was going through.
  3. It was such a weird green I couldn't resist.
  4. Me too me too me too me too me too
  5. I'm not sure I'd call it an Indian. But that's just me. I'm also suspicious of the surface as shown in the pics. Looks like it might have already been buffed? But why on earth would you polish a &13,000 marble???
  6. I can read numbers up to 3 and I know the characters for "man" and "horse." Or "house," depending on how you raise your voice at the end. I quit right there (ran out of classroom screaming).
  7. More like that than anything else, I think, but mainly because of the white/whitish ribbons inside. But the ribbons don't look like these sparkly ones. The JGGs I have also have that very, very fine aventurine -- unlike this one, at least from what I can see. I've never seen a small jolly green giant! I envy you . . .
  8. Thank you Winnie --that makes tonight Wirepull Night for me! Will report back soon.
  9. That's the one that's killin' me, too . . . wow!
  10. I agree. Doesn't look like the superfine-particle-crammed-together AV of the older Champions & Masters. Or like Alley's. Looks newer.
  11. I agree about it probably being a messed-up latticinio core, although if you could post a shot of it from the side (rather than from one of the poles) it would be easier to make a call . . .
  12. Ink still looks wet on that one.
  13. Those are all wonderful, Winnie -- every one!
  14. Not mine, Got away . . . but not forgotten.
  15. Reminds me of this little saw I fell for not long ago -- supposedly an advertisement. And a watch fob. Sorry for the tiny pics. Out of my control.
  16. That is spectacular. Yes, one of the best marbles I have ever seen, too.
  17. I can't answer your original question about a seller at a show. But I have two solid AV ones that, (theoretically) are Champion, and two that (theoretically) are Master. Typical swirly pattern ones = Champion, typical "sunburst" pattern ones = Master. That could be completely wrong, for all I know. Just what I've been told. Never heard of any being called Peltier. (And yep, the stone one is a different kettle of fish, as it were . . . )
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