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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. Someone wanted that one, And I can see why. At 1 1/4" to boot. Top shelf marble, no doubt about it.
  2. Well I was hypnotized for the last 20 min. Some sweet Corks in those pics. Kept waiting for them to come back around again. I need more!!! You'll have to add some of those to the Akro thread.
  3. My first thought was A blowhole as well. But it does look extra round? Have to add this one from the Bay. $2,000+ Wowzers.
  4. I'll join ya for a cool Lemon ade Bill. And look at this awesome thread all over again while I'm at it. Bet we could get this thread to 200
  5. I have noticed that I.D section could use way way more input from all. I for one vow to add a bit more effort to it than I have in the past. Back in the day it was Ok not to reach an agreement on what something was. Threads that were getting heated were quickly cooled with "have to take it to a show" because we all understood there is no way to truly capture a marble in pics, if it did not want to be. Some marbles just need to be seen inhand to know what is what. Lets go back to that way of doing disputed I.D's
  6. I was right there with you Duffy. An eager eyed newbie with a handful of marbles. Learning in a near drama free enviorment. Sure was nice. Let's bring it back. As for getting a strike for not agreeing a mod. Well I can't speak for Steph, but from me there would very little chance of that. I would ask that if you do feel the need to disagree with something we are doing or have done. Please Please Please do it in a PM and not in the open forum for all to see. That will most likey get you one. It's all part of the drama we are working to get rid of. If it makes you feel better to vent and cuss the hell out things, me, someone on the board, anything. I do have a PM and super thick Rhino skin. Let me know what eating you. And again a massive source of compliant PM's was put in check yesterday. It's a whole new day today (and no complaints that I know of) I think we can all sail on smooth water for now. Doubtless there is bound to be another trouble maker out there. I think it would be nicer to be able to nip it in the bud with the new system. Rather than to let it go on for months and months and maybe loose some more members. That always sucks. As to who mods the Mods. Hmmmm I found this neat little tab that can Ban both Steph and Lou haha. No doubt they have found the same little tab for me..........
  7. Oh Lou! Play nice. "CLICK" LOL. Seriously though there is nothing in this thread that even comes close to getting a strike. Good natured fun and honest questions all the time I say. As to who has the power on the board. Well Steph could click you, Lou could click you or I could click you. Some offences will be obvious, some we might not agree on and will have to mull over. That will be our problem to solve. However if you want to boil it all down to who has the real power here. It would the poster. I can't control what people type to each other or about each other. Only the one doing it can. So If you are going to post something that you know is rude, insulting, demeaning or just plain mean. Then expect a strike. If you fill your trouble maker bar then it's no ones fault but the posters. And as I said before if a poster does manage to get to near the top of that bar then they have to know what they are doing is wrong. So not needed here. I think this view would be shared with most of the members here. It's my hope that I never even have to click that little tab. I don't crave power. I have no agenda or clique. My lack of posts in the last 10 years show that I have tried really hard ( though I aint perfect) to keep my posts to marbles. Had I partaken in the drama and B.S I would have thousands of posts by now. I Like marbles. Pics of marbles, info on marbles, stories of marbles, thoughts on marbles and I come here to get it. Coming here and finding more nagging and moaning, rather than stuff on marbles sucks! So if it needs to get a little stricter around here to weed out the members that have more intrest in causing the drama and B.S than talking about marbles. Sadly so be it. My gut however tells me that yesterdays removal of a member will alleviate about 90% of the drama around here. It's up to each and every one of us to keep it sailing smoothly. If your into the drama and B.S then at least you can't say you were not warned. Personally I see no problem posters among us right now so this should be a cakewalk. There is a place in Marbledom to rip on each other. It's called Scott Patrick's board. I'm sure Scott will be more than happy to post a link so he can hear what anyone has to say hehe. In the end it's a members attitude and that little trouble maker bar that bans you. Not me, not Lou or Steph regardless of what any one thinks. It's not in our hands how many times you make us click it. We can just hope everyone gets along and we never have to.
  8. Lol! Leave it to Roany to break it all down. Love that Canadian Bable Fish. My short and sweet. Don't be an instigator, and take the high road. Then you can watch the trouble makers go bye-bye from a lofty perch.
  9. Sure M!b$ I can expand on that for you. Basically if someone sends you a PM that is insulting or rude in any way, let the mods know. Don't reply to it and drag yourself to their level. Same goes for stuff in posts. Tempting as it may to snap back, it is just as easy not to. If you do snap back then your just as big a drama causing thread killer in my eyes. Take the high road and your all good. On the other hand, if you are the offender. I get to click this neat little tab I found that gives you a strike and fills your neat little trouble maker bar a bit. Fill it up and your gone. Plain and simple. The number of clicks you get, and how long they will last is still to be worked out. Rest assured though that it will be enough that if you do actually fill it up then you have to know your a total anti-social nutcase. Or as smart as a 2nd grader. Your pick. I gave Lou fair warning when I agreed to do this that I was a hard-ass. I am real sure we are on the same page here. The banning of the member today I feel will really settle things down. It is a lot more fun to play in the sandbox when you know there is no cat poop in it to ruin your day. Still if anyone insists on being a cat. They get a boot in the butt. One last warning that things are going to get stricter around here. We have lost sooooo many valued members here because of all the B.S! Enough is enough. I am hoping that no one gets banned at all quite honestly. However know that I am more than willing to drive Lou nuts to make him do it if your trouble maker bar gets full.
  10. I hope Sue is not going anywhere as well. First off, and I'll ask nicely the first time. Please no Drama. This is a marble board, not a daytime soap opera. Go watch the boob tube if that's what your into. Don't bring it here. It is not needed or wanted. Is it really that hard to talk about marbles without squabbling? I don't think so. Next thing everyone needs to understand is that I don't go for all this defend and placate crap. I think someone is always wrong. However the person that carries it on is just as wrong. Feel free to report if you have been offended. Then just leave it at that. Move on to something else, and trust that your complaint is being delt with strictly. Last but not least. I have no fear of banning someone at all. I'm really not into 30 day bans either. If it is so hard to follow what I would consider grade 2 rules of social interaction. You are not needed here. There are other boards to go to. I would rather spend my time helping out a newbie. Than having to deal with a problem poster. Push another member of the board to much and you go. Plain and simple. Someone new will be along soon enough that will be willing to play by the rules. The day is new. The Bans have started. I expect a real cooldown to start now because of it. Still feel the need for drama. Try me! You will not last long here. Marble on everyone. Dave
  11. Thanks! got a couple of hundred of them and just pick one at random without looking at the thumbnails. Got a handmade this time. Wonder where that marble went?
  12. Well I can't smell it from here so I guess I'll have to wait to se it inhand to be sure. I have delt a couple of vintage Malachite sets in the past. If there are any oldtimers left here that might have saved those pics I posted back then. Seeing them again would be awesome. Not sure what happened to mine? If they made vintage Malachite sets why not Lapis as well?
  13. Setting the Spheres aside. I don't see anything new about that board at all. Granted I don't have it inhand, but it looks like a nice old handcarved bit of wood from here.
  14. News just in. 30 of the 37 (anyone notice that) show nice facets.
  15. Could be the word I am looking for is just plain Facets.
  16. Actual size pic. http://i191.photobucket.com/albums/z137/gekkoguy/amarbs6.jpg"]
  17. Vintage mineral spheres do have finely faceted pontils right? Or is Pontil not he right word for it?
  18. I'm still waiting for more info on it. All I got from my Dad as "got it at a car boot for 3 quid" But he has buggered off to the next show, so still waiting for a reply to my email. He mentioned the board is 11" across also. I think it's worth 3 quid anyday. I think those glaze spot looking parts might be damage? Thanks for the info so far.
  19. Any info on this neat little set? Still waiting to find out if they are Hand Faceted or not? Some look a little lumpy so I would assume so. I'm thinking from the pics 1930ish African. Any Ideas? What kind of stones are they? Thanks for any input.
  20. Still not 100 and I'm running out of Swirls. This one "IS" close to the last one. It's blank on the back but I'm not sure what happened to the pics of that part????
  21. Wish my pics could capture how grainy the glass is Sue. I guess you could compair it to some of the Crease Pontil Transitionals that have the "grainy" look. I can't think of any American marbles that have the same texture? Still Backfilling is always a consideration that should not be ignored.
  22. Awesome! within 1/16" is good enough for me. Glass is not Akro for sure so I was pondering Vitro.
  23. Give yourself a second pat on the back there Steph. Looks like you might have solved one I had in the Unknown dish. Looks real close to me. Size is a sliver under 3/4". Wish we knew the size of the ones in the box.
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