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Everything posted by orbboy

  1. Here is what I find odd about these marbles. I look at all new ebay marble auctions "almost" everyday. On average there are lets say 200 new auctions for marbles everyday. So even if I only checked 300 out of the 365 days of the year. Doing the maths I get 200 x 300= 60,000 auctions looked at over the course of a year. Take that a bit further and times that by the 10 years I have been doing this and you come up with 600,000 or so auctions looked at over that time. Why have I never seen one of these marbles mixed into some old group in all that time??? I have seen Guineas, Striped Opaques, wicked flames and wonderous Slags over that time mixed in old lots. Why would I have never seen one of these marbles in one? They sure stand out, so I doubt I missed one. What's up with that???? If these marbles were dug out of the ground, why hide that fact? I could accept if they were dug and some lucky bugger who just got a super score. From the way collectors buy dug marbles I doubt the market would have been to affected much by this news, a pretty Chrissy is a pretty Chrissy after all. What is the point of hiding the "Dug" part? if they were. I don't get it? The fact that nobody is willing to come forward to tell the real story about these is something else I find fishy. Someone has clamped their mouth shut for some reason or another. If they were real then I would expect more in the way of defending them. As it is so far all I hear is Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................... Not the most endorsing words for them.
  2. Second set of pics, bottom left, shows a pretty defined "tail" cutting across the grain of the flow of the marble. If that makes sense? I agree it looks like a pretty neat Transitional type.
  3. Maybe they were made for Vases or some other decrorative purpose? Nice group there Winnie. Love those shooter Trannies.
  4. Ummmmmmmmm? Not sure. Great help huh! I do think it looks on the older side though.
  5. Here is a green one with a pretty defined core like yours. I also had a yellow one that had it is well. Not sure where the pics of that one went though? I got great results showing the core on the yellow one by putting it in a dish of water outside in the sun. I'll keep looking for the pics.
  6. More info! More info! Is a dug marble? I would have thought Vacor or one of those funky spotted Vitro types.
  7. Make sure you fill up your gas tank before coming up here to Canada. At $1.30 a liter it's sorta scary. The exchange rate on your money can't save you anymore either. Back when you would get 30% on a dollar are gone. I still can't get used to our money being worth more that yours. That being said, sounds like your going to have a blast.
  8. Another post ruined by more passive agressive petty Bull****. This is a formal warning that this sort of childish crap will not be tolerated. Period. I think it is common knowledge that I have no problem removing members that are making this board into thier own little bickering waterhole. I have no plans on changing my ways. To continue to play here I suggest that offending members must do so. Marble on. Sorry to Hansel and Edna for thier attempt to have a nice post ruined.
  9. Those are pretty cool. I really like #4, scary but cool at the same time. Good job.
  10. Wow! Finished over a grand with 2 crappy pics. Could see some nice ones in there though.
  11. Here is an artsy fartsy pic of the best corking Pelt I have owned. Think it only had 3 ribbons in all?
  12. Thanks all. I actually forgot it was today. Knew it this week sometime though. Hope this memory loss aint a sign that I'm actually starting to get old. Booooo. Sadly though a totally marbleless day
  13. Super cool thing for sure. Wonder how many marbles you could have purchased back then for 30 bucks?
  14. First pic is of the whole group. Look close for Wirepulls. Second pic are ones my Mum liked. Shows a couple of the wirepulls from the large pic. Note the pink one. It could be a wirepull? Pretty sure they made them in Pink.
  15. Ahhhh poop! Guess I'm out then. If it were the UK then I could have done something since I have about a few dozen Aunts, Uncles and cousins that live in the area. Heck my sister lives there and I will be there for a visit in mid June. Oh well!
  16. What would be the hardest colour combos to find? Have you ever seen the funky Pastel like ones? They came in Lavender, orange, faded minty green, and a soft blue, oh and a yellow that looks like brighter yellow than normal. My Mum just sent me a pic of a lot she found that has a few of them in it. As well as a Shooter size Green and yellow, that I would near the top of the hard to find list. I'll see if I can crop out some pics to add to the thread. Or just reduce the size of the lot pic.
  17. Ok where is this Reading place????? 40 years ago next month I was born on Reading, England. Same place? or are we talking about someplace in The U.S?
  18. Your title says it all for these marbles. Wow! Never seen a Transitional like that either.
  19. What a great twist on such a little guy. Classic! That big one is no slouch either.
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