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Everything posted by triker

  1. Sorry Winnie, Will get to your mibs soon. Bruce
  2. How about patch and ribbon mibs like Marble King? Single Stream? By the way, if you you see a FANTASTIC MULTI COLORED MARBLE it is most likley a Jabo! For they are the most eye appealing marble candy on the planet! THE BEST! So it should be easy to tell the difference between vintage & new. just one collectors take on this subject. Bruce
  3. OOPS!, Now i see i put #1 at the bottom of my first post! sorry about that. I"m tired,Tomorrow is another day. Bruce
  4. Galen, #1 is not what i wrote. No insults intended. And i am glad you posted it. Just thinking maybe you are under estimating a lot of collectors. Also i did not know vintage 3/4" marbles meant CAC? Bruce
  5. As Bill says ! Its West Virginia, Bring W.V. Swirls!!! Cant wait to see them And you to Bill!!!! Bruce
  6. Just wanted to put my 2 cents on this post. not trashing anybody. But Galen! #2 Vintage collectors not having Jabos to photo! #3 Jabo collectors not having vintage to compare with? Most of if not all Jabo investors/collectors that i know all have World Class Vintage Marble Collections and world class Jabo collections. They buy sell trade Vintage marbles and Jabo marbles. My point being what is the point of #1 and #2? Marble On, Bruce
  7. Alley made them in Pennsboro, Don"t know if he made them at any other location. Some were Shifter Knobs and some were Spinner knobs for the steering wheel. Bruce
  8. OK Now we need the Density of this glass at 1000 degrees and we need to know the specific gravity? LOL Bruce
  9. I should have said that it is the same type marble as Ric and Bill posted on the top row last one on the right. Thanks, Bruce
  10. We are going to call this one Opal Lady! Bruce
  11. I have a lot of nice marbles on ebay this week including Jacksons, Marble Kings With AV. Hybrid Multi color cat with AV.And vitros! Search 52chevyman Thanks, Bruce
  12. Just found out!!!!I will be there,Thursday, Friday and Saturday! See you all there. Bruce
  13. Do any UV? Good posibility some could be Playright. Bruce
  14. Have a good one Griff!!!!! Mind telling me about that popeye Lot the other week?! LOL LOL Bruce
  15. Happy B-Day Dani!! And lots more! Bruce
  16. A day late but happy b-day steve!!!!!! Bruce
  17. Hi Leroy, I am from Lancaster,Pa.(Originally) My Mother has been collecting for 50+ years. I will see her this week and ask her if she knows who these might be. Bruce
  18. Sorry Al, I missed this post somehow!!! Bruce
  19. Here is some Alley Taterbugs Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bruce
  20. Heres some awesome Champion opaque multicolored swirls! Bruce
  21. As always, a great piece on the Kokomo Show. The pics are GREAT!!!!! Thanks Joe, Bruce
  22. More to come tommorow! Good Night All, Bruce
  23. Heres the 2 Champions in the Alley post. One is a Multi colored swirl anthe other is a Awesome Champ metallic Swirl! Bruce
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