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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. You know, I never once made the potential contentious leap as a possibility with this. I thought it was fully expostulated in a manner to avoid anything of the sort. But you are right, there are those amongst us who would take it as an opening salvo in whatever personal fantasy their mind had going at the time. Probably best to lay it to rest since it hasn't woken any great interest. Anyone for a wake? David
  2. Since it was alluded to again and since I have participated in this thread I want to say upfront that through some inadvertent mix-up in a Post or a PM or whatever I in some manner implied that Pavcraz was Bill. I do not know how I managed to do this because at that very same time I was fully aware that Pavcraz was this guy living in Brunswick, Maine. But it was most pointedly brought to my attention and I was chastised repeatedly for which I have been carrying some not fully understandable guilt ever since. I'm not sure if this was even ever brought to your attention Bill but I would like to go on the record as apologizing right here out in the open especially since mentioned this has been brought up again. Re. abandoning marbles well that's your choice obviously but there isn't hardly an area in the entire world of antiques and collectibles where someone hasn't already or isn't planning to fake someone else personal and favorite passion. Unfortunately it's the nature of the beast. David Chamberlain P.S. And if anyone would care to provide me with the actual deed info. as done I would be forever gratefully edified.
  3. I'd as much as thought myself but was still hoping against hope that the potential pool was more than a puddle. This did have a bit of dauntingness to it and possibly a low level of interest. O.K., onward and upward. David
  4. I'm not sure what BibleFreak was hoping for or expecting when he proposed this separate forum but beyond my meagre Delphic utterances he sure ain't getting even in a toe-shuffling fashion an attempt to encapsulate in four or five apocryphal phrases the Ethical Structure of the Universe. For those of you who have been biding your time, wiggling your toes in puddles of thought, I'm giving this one more chance for you to step up to the plate and pontificate. Go for it! David
  5. I think you would be safe to go with Chuck Brandstetter as gospel. He has given these marbles his thorough and undivided attention. David
  6. Oh yeah, insinuation and generalization are hand-in-hand your operating mode Galen. We've seen it time and time again and unfortunately suspect we will be subjected to it ad nauseam. I note that you sat on this for a week and a half before you conjured a continuing fantasy for weaseling out. And you will undoubtedly say the same about the time factor involved here that you don't concern yourself about these petty squabbles thus you overlooked the matter when it is obvious that you haunt these threads like a viper ready to inject your poison. David Chamberlain
  7. What I don't understand is the attitude of feeling you have to throw in the towel because of guys like this. There's something so defeatist about letting slime balls like pavcraz convince you to abandon what has been a personal passion. I have his address in Maine if you'd like to channel your distaste by sending his neighbors up and down the street a letter spelling out just who is living amongst them. Don't abdicate, go on the attack! David
  8. I would like to point out that some of those Fantasy Bags in the reference provided above had headers that were the same as the originals, only the marbles are different. Like I have a couple of the original PERFECT CIRCLE ones for an example. Needless to say it is all the more damnable frustrating to see a perfectly good header being pimped-out! David Edit: For the record the Alox(Kids shootin') and Champion headers have been legitimately used in the past; the others are pure fantasy.
  9. Really, someone else must have something of substance to say! David
  10. I talked with her today, yesterday and the day before that. David
  11. I can work out something different for you Ann but I'm not sure it would conform to scripture. Yeah, according to the Block marble pricing structure switching guilt for sin would require a value factor of 1.5 to 2x for each of the ten step marbles. Might even involve jail time. David
  12. Well, I've provided you all with the best possible source for help in this matter but you must understand that while I may be able to absolve you of sin you will still have guilt. It comes with the territory. David
  13. Felicia just sent me three of these and they are most definitely the marble that Castle & Peterson identify in their cat's-eye book as European Cage-Style Fat Cores. Some have fat cores and some don't. Some are like Multi-Vaned Cage-Style. I have always considered them an exceptionally beautiful style of cat's-eye and have some from the very same lot that are pictured in the Castle & Peterson book. David
  14. Looks like a tornado hit those cat's-eyes! I think the next trick is to work it so that the individual cat's-eyes pcs. are recognizable. I guess you did that already with your triple-ingot! David
  15. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors marbles. I have a simple 10 step plan which provides you with complete absolution but you must send me a marble of increasing worth daily for the next ten days then you will receive a small pamphlet on marble etiquette which will open up the doors of everlasting forgiveness for any and all sins previously committed. Trust me and PM me for my out of state POB. David
  16. Where have the great minds of this marble generation gone? David
  17. I guess I'm a little prejudiced already on the side of the potential seller of these marbles although she should keep in mind that there's two sides to any transaction and it's always a plus when both seller and buyer consider themselves happy. David
  18. I'm back! Re. Modern/Contemporary - I believe new marbles either machine-made or hand made both contribute towards advancing the hobby either with a positive or negative value component as their appearance on the scene reflects on past marble accomplishments. The positive or negative effect can be actual or it can be only as perceived while at the same time having the same result. And this effect may be short-lived or accumulatively disastrous to whatever existing market is affected. Major factors in the degree to which these effects occur are, of course, our marble knowledge, our marble prejudices, our marble preferences....you name it. In the final analysis it is what we make of it. Therefore, I prefer to keep an open mind and trust to the good intentions of marble makers such that in the main their motivations are for the advancement of the hobby with a healthy respect for a buck 'well earned.' David
  19. Oh my Gawd! Those four are nice enough to individually pay for your way to and fro for most any marble show in the country. I think you will be receiving in this thread some estimates as to their individual values. I'm out-of-the-loop myself in knowing high end Christensen Agate Co. flame or opaque swirl values. You done good with this box! David
  20. O.K. I get it. I was just lost at the point of the "opaque bucket." So, it is not fully opaque; maybe only semi-opaque or a semi-translucent bucket. I was figuring "opaque" as being rather absolutely opaque! Otherwise I was with you where ever that was. David
  21. I must be dense but I do not get it. You mean you are photographing the marble that is inside an opaque bucket through a lens size hole in the top? How do you get sunlight on the marble? David
  22. Might be fair to give this thread another chance on Pg. 1. Particularly when talking about older marbles I've always felt that 'Historicity' as Matt lists it can be high on the list in fixing a marbles price. Not just being able to identify a marble but to be able to accurately put it in its historical context lends the marble a certain stature and venerableness. The individual marbles attachment to time and place are an integral factor in its value, of course, tempered with all the other concurrent value enhancements(demand, desirability, aesthetics, size, condition, rarity, et al). David
  23. I concur with Scott fully in his estimations and IDing. Afraid I got caught up in the excitement of it all and rushed to judgement. He has picked it apart with precision. Would be something to know/hear how this all came together originally. The bag and its end knots look a lot like some CAC bags I've seen. My only IDing defense and it isn't much of one at that was I was trying like mad to make those corkscrews into CAC swirls. David
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