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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. Of course with the proviso of cat's-eye prejudice, still in all fairness I would have to say that you have created a cat's-eye motif worthy of Photography Annual. Keep up the good work. David
  2. NO 'WHUPPING' TODAY Hi Marie, Loved your post. You got your licks in on me early on. Didn't quite know what to make of it. Not to feel too all-fired put out though; we've all managed to accomplish stupid once or twice; it's in our collective genes. David
  3. Remarkable! Persistence pays. This is beyond One-of-a-Kind; more like an unimaginable marble. It is a joy to witness something like this surface as it puts paid to the thought that it has all been seen before. David
  4. To have known Nadine was to have been a lucky observer of a life fully spent. I always got a kick out of the fact that Nadine credited me with her 1st big sale. That was at one of Bert Cohen's show in 1995. I've always favored her classical ceramic china style marbles although her Tiffany and English China marbles were no slouches. I literally have a stack of Nadine's letters! She was a wit extraordinaire and had an outrageous take on life. You had to steel yourself on entering Nadine & George's home as Nadine knew STUFF. She told me once that a couple friends found themselves hyperventilating and found it necessary to step outside. Focusing was too much of a challenge for them! While in New England for a couple months in 2007 during a 50th High School Reunion I spent 3 days on the Cape with Nadine and George touring favorite spots, watching racy movies in the evenings and talking STUFF. Our mutual friends Kathy & Linda of AAGPBL fame came down one day and we retired to the Yacht Club to talk marbles, women's baseball, good food and life. It doesn't get any better. Nadine made my life that much more meaningful and I will miss her deeply. David Chamberlain
  5. It's amazing how demonstrable 'reverse twist' machine made marbles are and how seldom they are scene. Well, maybe you see them more often in Peltier Tri-Colors(Peltier Multi-Color Swirls). They generally stop me in my tracks. David
  6. Black cross-throughs as pronounced as this one are primo cat's-eyes for thems that get off on vane variations. My experience and I consider myself a cat's-eye enthusiast are that these are far and few between. David
  7. Marblemiser, Hard to imagine that anyone could have difficulty deciphering my Posts but Marblues1's well that's another matter. I'd characterize them as dyslectic free verse. Now if you are actually meaning me(David C. as in Chamberlain) I'm at a loss to help you beyond your own suggestion of Webster's. My vocabulary is what it is and I don't dumb it down for anyone unless I'm playing around with vernacular. Otherwise, I have no arguments with you and what you've posted above. David Chamberlain
  8. I've had a similar experience between the runs that I participated in big time and those where I have only received a representative sampling of the marbles. Thankfully the samplings have been sent by fellow enthusiasts who knew I would be examining them closely. When you don't have names to guide you you go with 'pretty' and I think that has held true throughout the past few decades as we've sorted and compared one style of marble from another amongst the various marble companies. And after a while those pretty ones become more and more familiar maybe almost to the point of putting a name to them. That has been happening in the last few years with marbles from Vitro, Marble King, etc. so I would imagine the same thing will be happening with those Jabo run marbles if individual marbles prove sufficiently worthy. Then marble enthusiasts will be photographing them, talking about them and writing about them and that will additionally lend itself to heightened recognition. All good things come in time. David
  9. It's great Steve that you can have instant connections but I'm sure the anxiousness is as high as it ever was when we had months of delay time between communications. I was nonplussed one day when I actually rec'd a phone message from some Sgt. during Desert Storm re. some care pkgs. I was sending. That was back around 1991/92 I recall. You can imagine what my pkgs. were like what with dealing in collectibles for many years. Even sent along marbles! Got a letter a few years later from some chap State Side remarking about the marbles! Amazing! David
  10. In case it is somehow lost in this insane imbroglio I have participated financially in three runs but have examples from about 27 of the runs. I'm missing a few of the runs. I love the marbles. I have recouped some of my investment maybe all of it. My records suck! I've culled I don't know how many marbles from the more energetic runs I participated in. Not a terrible lot actually which is surprising. Anyone who knows me knows I am death on condition. I have always been proud of only offering mint or NM marbles and have been embarrassed when someone has discovered a flaw or nick in one of my marbles being offered at a show. I'm not sure though from the previous posts if this in fact has any relevance with David's lengthy post(after post after post). But it seems to be something that people are discussing right now so I thought I'd toss my two cents worth in. Now how this or any of my previous informational posts can be construed as vitriol is beyond me but I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone would vouch safe me the right to throw my arms up in the air and lose it over such lame treatment. And that Dog Poop crap that Orb Boy brought up in another Thread is beyond the pale. What's with him? David
  11. Yes. It has been bled to death! And the bleeding goes on. I really tried hard to see some continuity of thought or congruence in David's treatise but even when I asked an innocent question I was assailed with ulterior motives. Yes, there appears to be no end to it. David
  12. Do you know for how long your son has been on the 20 minute lead time or has that been pretty much standard procedure for some time. Tough! Our history since the Armistice has been so checkered in how we have followed through on our intentions vis a vie N. Korea and mostly we've let them go whacko off on their own w/o nary a smidgen of influence. What bothered me tremendously today was China not agreeing with the ironclad evidence that they had been provided with. Not a good sign. That bolsters that pin head of a ruler! David
  13. I really do not give a flying f--- how you feel about your marbles or Jabo marbles. Seems to me that I asked you about the Quality Control matter which I could not make any sense of. And I have gone back and read the thing again. That was the only thing that I wanted some clearer understanding of. But I'll tell you right now that I really don't give a s--- about that as well. David
  14. They do look like they're ready to strike. I've had three rattlesnake close calls....real close. Have done a lot of backcountry. David
  15. Yes, the PR job for those two boxes was pure poetry. I'm inclined to spin out similar scenarios for some of my own marbles. They fully deserve it. David
  16. That will, of course, still leave something like 12,000 American soldiers stationed there and another 35,000 back-up in Japan so it's not like we are on the run. Definitely scary though particularly when you have a nutcase transitional government and a 1.whatever million army positioning itself for the worst. David
  17. Right you are and I have that PR postcard for the RR Auction. Just have to dig it out and will today. David
  18. I'm definitely not speaking with authority here but regarding the Quality Control concern it has been my understanding that in every Contract run the effort at Jabo has been no more or no less than any other run in past History to lessen those factors that produce bum marbles. Maybe I don't get it but I don't see where the matter of Quality Control has anything differently to do with these Jabo runs than any past runs in marble History. Would you care to elucidate on this 'cause I'm all ears and I will admit it if I flat out missed a clear and lucid explanation already. David
  19. "After being pushed in a corner" Aw! Poor Galen. You mean, "After being caught in a lie" PERIOD with no qualifications please. And, Hey!, you have already stated some inability to adequately follow two lines of thought in the same Thread. Nothing that I have stated or responded to could be interpreted as vitriol directed towards Winnie. I very much appreciated her marble ID offering and was immediately pissed when Galen hijacked the thread with his usual vitriol and continued it throughout four pages. Now if there wasn't a need to counteract that then I'm for totally throwing in the towel at this Board when I've recognized that coming to the defense of good friends and a hijacked thread is given less precedence than maintaining a wishy-washy atmosphere. David
  20. I just couldn't resist the "Hmmm!" bit. You are right; it looks legit to me but this is not my forte by a long shot. You have had much closer acquaintance with this type of marble at least through osmosis with Beverly. David
  21. Let me get this straight because I'm limited in eBay smarts but if I punch in tammy'svintagemarbles or something to that effect when I get to eBay I'll be able to scope in on whatever her latest offerings are so that I can be a regular HARASSER of her ass? Has anyone yet let her know that she has been ID'd at the main marble IDing board for marble collectors? Maybe we should start a Marble Hall of Infamy. I know we have eBay Seller Lists to Keep and eye on but maybe this should be institutionalized. David
  22. Roger & Claudia are still selling the book. I'm fairly sure of this. Do you need their address and or telephone #. I only have one copy with the 1998 Price Update whereas I have at least a half doz. of Baumann's early Editions. PM me and I'll provide particulars. David
  23. I believe if you were to go back early on in this thread, like within the very earliest of Posts I gave due deference to the value of Winnie's Posts and the subject of it was the remarkable similarity between certain marbles. The subject still is that although with an aberrant twist provided right off by Galen in his inimitable style and numerous board members have proceeded along the way to participate in one manner or another in the originally offered example(s) and it's sideshow. Now if both of these discussions are beyond the capacity of some board members to handle at the same time then maybe they need to sit down and take stock of their mental abilities. I am having no difficulty though in recognizing how in post after post that misinformation and lies about Jabo and it's principals has blemished what started out so innocently with Winnies post and I have directed some of my comments towards them. You can hardly blame me then for at times(My so what comment) not giving a Flying F--- about marbelus1's take on my concerns. This does not mean that I have any overall less respect for David's contributions and his hilarious wit. David Chamberlain
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