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david Chamberlain

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Everything posted by david Chamberlain

  1. Great to see both these Jabo celebratory pieces side-by-side or one above the other as the case may be. David
  2. Gee, as the official Swirl Tour Guide it's nice to know that whenever we marble nuts show up in WV you'll be available. Are you taking bookings? Hey! Welcome to the good life! And knock 'em dead with your collection and vast knowledge in Texas next month. You and McCaleb, what a team......David
  3. They are, of course, amazing but at the same time I experience a paralyzing numbing effect. I know just what you say Lou. Where is that $windfall$. David
  4. Yes, cut here! End of thread! David ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. Where's Lou when you need him the most? Lock this baby down!
  5. Although it's not worthy of a response FIRE81 you obviously do not know me and probably never will which is fine by me. David Chamberlain
  6. Actually what you have to do with Bob's book is figure in for yourself a significant subjective factor as there is no way in any marble book that the pricing is cut and dried. In the final analysis you have to wing it and especially so with marbles. Myself I prefer fixed prices so I'm shooting from the hip often hopefully not too far off the mark. David
  7. Yeah, the use of the "pinched pontil" has been used so long inaccurately to describe the Japanese variety especially the smaller ones(9/16") that were game marbles that it has become common use. The 'shearing' comment is right on. It's just that the darn marbles looked so much like the earlier machine-made and hand gathered with that pinching effect that it carried over to post 1950s marbles. There's a variety of misnomers that as marble collectors we wind up living with. I don't think it was commented on but the fact that this marble is a single vane and then in colored glass(a beautiful green) gives it considerable weight in the world of cat's-eye marbles. I imagine if Bob Block were to have provided value factoring figures for cat's-eyes in his MARBLES IDENTIFICATION AND PRICE GUIDE this marble would have rec'd an additional multiple of 5x to 10x. David Chamberlain
  8. GREG, If not necessarily certified fake then someone we all know for his marbles pictured in many of the books intends to and has bragged about using his many contemporary reproduction CAC Exotics to bottom out the market. Possibly now that I have pointed out his plans twice here on MC he is thinking twice about it. David
  9. Let's see......LAND CONTRACTS- I think they would have to be about land/property that has some significants either then or presently. Also any signatures of noteworthy individuals would enhance value. For some reason I've never handled Land Contracts that I recall. 1860s newspapers. If they are purely Engineering tracts I would think they would be of a narrow interest unless again some subject was significantly covered within the newspaper that was noteworthy. If the 1860s papers have any Civil War coverage that is a definite plus. An engineering article with a CW bent to it would add significantly to the newspapers value. Google for further information or do an eBay search for past sales in the same subject matter under newspapers. David
  10. Boy, with all the viewing(approx. 1200 views) going on in this thread it almost makes sense to do some advertising here and since I was actually asked about what else I collected other than dolls(For which I was flamed as a "Nelly!") I might as well elaborate. Well.....MARBLES Duh! And: BIG LITTLE BOOKS and BETTER LITTLE BOOKS(30s and 40s), STAMPS(Art on stamps worldwide pre-1960 including souvenir sheets, sets, single issues - paintings, sculpture, architecture, artifacts, etc.), VIEW-MASTER reels and equipment 1938-1967 strictly Sawyers with a concentration on the handlettered ones and especially the gold-centered, Inc., MADONNA & CHILD images, COMICS, TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY XMAS SEALS complete sheets, GEORGE WASHINGTON memorabilia, ORIGINAL HISTORICAL NEWSPAPERS 1800s and earlier, FRAMED SILHOUETTE ADVERTISING CALENDARS w/THERMOMETERS, 1920s-50s BUTTONS ON CARDS(Cards are 2 1/2" by 3 1/2" Only decent graphics), ADVERTISING TRADE CARDS 19th Century, MOVIE DVDs(Have picked up almost 500 in the past year and have lately been averaging $3.40 ea.), SUPER BALLS/HIGH BOUNCE VARIETY, BASKETS, INDIAN MAIDEN PRINTS, 20s/30s RISQUE POSTCARDS IN GOOD TASTE, CATHOLIC MEDALLIONS, ROSARIES, etc., GRATEFUL DEAD and JERRY GARCIA BAND CONCERT TAPES(cassettes) w/art work, INDIAN HEAD PENNIES and 1943 PENNIES(silver appearing ones) CYCLING MEMORABILIA(I have a MASI and a SWOBO bike), CAT CARDS(not cutesy pics), FRUIT CRATE LABELS, POSTCARDS(numerous subjects), VIOLIN, BANJO & BASS FIDDLE BOTTLES, BOOKS(avid reader, of course), VINTAGE GREETING CARDS(preferably with great graphics, embossed, die-cut, glitter, etc.), FINE LACE WORK, ECLECTIC MIX OF EARLY PAPER EPHEMERA(I was known as a Paper Dealer before getting into marbles), Late 19th/early 20th Century PRINTS, DOLLS(mainly American Composition Mama Dolls 1910-late 40s), COLOR EMBOSSED CHROMOLITHOGRAPH DIE-CUTS 19th Century, ALL AMERICAN GIRLS PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL LEAGUE(1943-1954), MARILYN MONROE, and so forth...... That should flesh it out a bit more. Condition is a must. David Chamberlain
  11. Great Mike. I love it! That ol' self-depreciating it sort of keeps you focused and on the beam. David
  12. Hey there! Any way I can get in on this from Albuquerque. How 'bout if I sent say $150 + postage, could you pick some ID'd goodies for me right off the top of the pile of offerings sight unseen? Message me via the MC Board or email me ([email protected]) or call (831) 462-1873 and the check is in the mail tomorrow. I need an address and will of course provide mine. David Chamberlain
  13. You definitely have a distinctive style and a psychedelic take when it comes to glass. More than nice! David
  14. I think it is a very fair price. Probably the big Vacors nonetheless I don't think they're showing up as a regular thing these days. You might though take a look at Peter Caparelli's Land of Marbles and see what's being offered in the way of oversized Mega Marbles(Vacor's USA distributor). Might be a better bulk buy but I'm not sure. David Chamberlain
  15. As previously stated I would not have minded it in the least if responses had been pretty much in the same vein as my opening Post: Just an opinion, self-depreciation in the manner of making it and concluding with a slightly humorous IMHO disclaimer. But no, it took on a PERSONAL SLANT with a mean edge. And what I began can hardly be construed as putting down or picking on or unrelated as I did point out that the IMHO disclaimer is used in just about every other marble thread post and sometimes as a regular mantra, ie. "IMHO, Peace." It was never my intention to dictate; I was presenting an opinion; even one concluding with IMHO which was overlooked from the get-go. I consider the marble chat room maybe a lot more than what you might circumscribe it to. I see it as a place where people not only share their marble enthusiasm but as in any congregation of like-minded people there develops a deeper appreciation for each of us individually. We talk about fishing, about our heart felt affection for members who are experiencing difficulties, about celebratory events, maybe even about 'dolls' and hopefully not thereby becoming the recipient of personal slanderous remarks. Again, this is only one thread. I believe if you look around you will find me all over other threads and in a manner that hardly paints me as an antagonist. Granted I have developed over time a certain Marble Cop persona even having a Jabo marble named a 'Brassy' after me but this is only one thread in my personality and it has mainly related to the perpetration of fraud in the marble community. Mostly my emphasis has been in the recognition, photographing and writing about specific marbles and marble companies of the past. David
  16. Actually if you were to wend your way through this quicksand again you should easily conclude that the thread was begun with a relatively mild statement of opinion and concluded with a humorous contradiction of the opinion taken. I did not personally attack any one individual but fairly soon I was under attack with a very personal slant to it. Can you blame me for hitting back at personal remarks that were totally off topic? Really! Joe Bob says, "Check it out!" David P.S. I fully recognize that the hoped for goal of this community is marble fellowship, participation and contribution in all manner of marble related endeavors(IDing, showing off favorites, research, etc.). In this ideal marble arena I have been contributing fairly constructively for 20 years and those contributions have been considerable. As only one example over 20 photo articles in the WVMCC newsletter.
  17. Like Akro's comment is a constructive contribution? This is what I mean by lowest 'common' denominator.' We're suppose to find his lame lettering lexicon illuminating. I don't think so. David
  18. Bo, Actually I find the use of IMHO as rather prissy. And I'm not surprised that you'd jump to the "Nelly" accusation because of the "high heels" bit. That would be typical of the MKA take on things like dolls must obviously mean he's a Pedophile. Are you putting yourself in the same knee jerk response? Another thing: When people start taking an affront to more than one syllable words you know that the Board has devolved to the lowest 'common' denominator. I think some manning up to our own deficiencies are in order. But really I'm not foisting some Spelling Bee on any of you; this is just the way I talk/write and for that I'm taking it in the ear. Get real! David
  19. I like it (Said with a Jerry Lewis take)! My offering is Photo #51 in my CAT'S-EYE SERIES at Marble Mental named THE CAT'S-EYE THAT ATE MANHATTAN!
  20. I'm just guessing but those surprise pkgs. of Alley Pennsboro seem very much like something that Ron Shepherd would do. I know because I've rec'd the same in the past! David
  21. Wonderfully comprehensive Interview and deserves to be permanently highlighted on this Board. Questions and answers showing a great depth of knowledge. Definitely beats the same ol' - same ol' that you see in so many Article-Interviews. How 'ta go Alan! David
  22. Oops Kevin, I'm talking about the 'JFC' post that Bo referenced. David P.S. You know what, not from being afeared or anything but I think this is a good time to lock this thread down if any thread were to be locked down! It has been bled for whatever mileage could be got out of it.
  23. Oh, and that "I don't need no stinkin' agreements" remark was for anyone remotely familiar just a funning slant with Edna on the famous "I don't need no stinkin' badges" line from the movie. And you've gone and turned it around to say that I'm being exclusionary and offensive. Get real! This thread from the get-go has not been a bait or anything other than an honest expression re. a much used acronym IMHO. Yikes! David
  24. Boy was that a completely out of context and inaccurately referenced thread when the Post sighted was partially in jest and and at no less of a crescendo than the Posts preceding it. Talk about reading comprehension! And, still did no one catch how I'd concluded the opening Post here?! David
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