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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Howard, I had the same issues with another of mine which is why I posted the side by side. Hoping it would be of some help. Glad ya got it nailed down.
  2. cool footage, thanks for sharing. =}
  3. Here are mine, while still slightly lighter than in hand there is quite a difference.
  4. I am thinking what was said above about being between orange and red fits if that is the true color. Give me a second and I will post a pic of my tiger and wasp, even in my pic the red is not quite as dark as it is in hand. Must have been typing at the same time as Marblemiser. I would agree, and a cool marble.
  5. Yep, love a good wasp....make sure to use a good strong light as some of them have a blue aventurine, very few but I got a nice surprise once. How close in hand is the true color on that one. Does look a little orangy but I like it, and know how hard it is not to wash the red out with light trying to get a pic.
  6. Don't get me wrong, I am not making a call on yours one way or the other as I know everyday I see marbles I had no clue existed. Only that by the current available photos I could see thinking saying Pelt. I love those kind of limited informative pics....but only when buying on the bay. lol My judgement on these three is currently based as if I were about to bid on a lot I had only these pics to go by and either way I would come out ahead even if my guess changed when finally in hand. I would love to see more pics and maybe get edjumacated.
  7. Looks to have been polished/buffed but still a nice find for 10$
  8. His and yours both look Peltish from here. I would like to see more views of all three marbles. I would bet Ganglys is a Pelt tho.
  9. I'll second that. Thanks Ron. As always.....interesting info!
  10. Nice find, I would agree with the above nice assortment.
  11. Very nice find. Never found one of those when I lived in Jersey.
  12. Yes....a few more...had fun with the camera today.
  13. I am not really a Cat collector so I am sorry if I am posting a bunch of commons but they are the coolest ones I have and I kinda like them.
  14. We have had some fun lately with the little less high end marbles....so I figured some cool Cateyes might be fun.
  15. They look new to me. They have made new ones with the supposed to be age crackling to try and make it look old. I am sure there are those here that can tell you more than I, on these types. Nice pics BTW!!
  16. LOL! I was thinking more like April next year! =}
  17. Likely right Ric...but hey it looks black from here.
  18. With the snow we are said to be expecting this year I hope he is not setting up in it. I might have to make that one this year.
  19. It does come pretty much to the surface. It does on the other one in my collage as well.....but that one seems to be missing the blue. You have a bunch of nice boulders Edna.
  20. Very nice!! Here is a 1 incher I just found a couple weeks ago.
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