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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. I can't say 100% but the red there looks a bit translucent. Around the edges in the second shot looks like you can see into it. If that is the case, it would not be Oxblood, but a cool and interesting marble non the less.
  2. I especially like the more translucent looking one. I have a soft spot for the Alley West Virginians and that's a fun one. -}
  3. Beauties right there. It does seem there has been a slump lately in good marbles. Slim pickens. With all of the antique shops disappearing, and the ones still around selling smalls on the bay, you would hope and think at least you would find something there. I know they are not all found.
  4. Thank you. I am liking these more and more all the time.
  5. I try to be organized but things always change when I add new ones. It can get crazy trying to make a display or a case and not spot for something....where do I put it....what about the others or the one that are similar. Never even numbers and never enough to fill a space with just one type! UHG! LOL Oh yeah, this lady Tater bug came with the others. =}
  6. Heck of a way to break a new Alley dry streak. Added #2&3 today.
  7. Welcome to the addiction and the board. Have fun, and when you start wishing your metal detector had a glass sphere setting.....your hooked.
  8. Poor Steph. lol Thanks Mike, the Alley's are my favorite, but man....they are a tough find. Alley
  9. It could absolutely. Re heating can destroy a pontil and then it might be added back on. I have not seen but heard of this a few times.
  10. I am in agreement with Steph. If the blue had clear and white in it, that would change. But as it is, it is a red on blue swirl.
  11. Interesting marble for sure. Looks so Akro yet so not Akro at the same time. Hmmm......
  12. Figure I have a few more for your enjoyment and Stephs wake ups. =} Akro
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/6-150mm-Digital-Electronic-Gauge-Plastic-Vernier-Caliper-Micrometer-New-US/253228337157?hash=item3af595c805:g:76kAAOSwyYFZ8n6w
  14. LOL Easy? Anything but, I'm afraid. However that is at least half the fun for me.
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