I for a long time was that guy.....couldn't pass up an example in marbles and any condition of anything I did not have. Years went by and I realized I had a great number of marbles and few I wanted to show. Did I like them, sure, but the time and money I spent doing it.....well, I could have had a case of beauties in my living room to look at and show guests when all I had was a few lucky finds and jars of stuff I now continue to keep in jars.
I started buying nicer examples and continuing to look for lucky finds of all companies and passing on poor condition. Still the quality of my collection suffered for the numbers I had acquired. It took me moving to a smaller dwelling to realize just how much room was being taken up by stuff I had as examples only.
I now focus on one company in my searches and purchases and add to a few other companies threw lucky finds. Quality and beauty at the top of the list and while I have fewer new things to show I am far more proud when I do. I only wish I had began earlier, those nice examples are not getting easier to find and the one company I fell in love with seem to be getting more and more expensive. I think of the nice examples that I passed on because my money had been spent on the groups of mediocre examples and now will cost me double or triple what I passed on earlier. It is tough being newly excited and having to hold back, but will be so worth it in the end.