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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. Oh man, heart breaking. The package theft has been happening more and more. Sorry. That bites.
  2. A whole bunch of nice stuff but the lavender one.....that might be my favorite besides the calligraphy. Well done.
  3. Boy tough one for me. The translucent and transparent are tough, Alley made both but I do not recognize it as one,
  4. Not sure how I missed that Here's a couple brothers from Sistersville! =}
  5. jeeperman

    Mib ID

    Right off the bat I thought Vit but I think it is actually a funky Akro. I think I am flip flopping here too. I still get the Vit vibe.
  6. My tightest little 9. I should reshoot this for a better angle. 7/8
  7. You are welcome, no worries at all Chuck. I enjoy helping where I can. Glad it got sorted for you and you did not end up needing to replace more than a card. I will look forward to seeing the re-shoots. Happy New Year.
  8. Fenton I believe what you have there may be what we call a drizzle. The fine threads of color ate melted class that were stretched and laid onto the marble during the process of it being made. There are collectors whom collect drizzle marbles as this was not supposed to happen so there is not a ton of them by comparison to the same type without.
  9. My current must have list is any Alley marbles which strike my fancy.
  10. I for a long time was that guy.....couldn't pass up an example in marbles and any condition of anything I did not have. Years went by and I realized I had a great number of marbles and few I wanted to show. Did I like them, sure, but the time and money I spent doing it.....well, I could have had a case of beauties in my living room to look at and show guests when all I had was a few lucky finds and jars of stuff I now continue to keep in jars. I started buying nicer examples and continuing to look for lucky finds of all companies and passing on poor condition. Still the quality of my collection suffered for the numbers I had acquired. It took me moving to a smaller dwelling to realize just how much room was being taken up by stuff I had as examples only. I now focus on one company in my searches and purchases and add to a few other companies threw lucky finds. Quality and beauty at the top of the list and while I have fewer new things to show I am far more proud when I do. I only wish I had began earlier, those nice examples are not getting easier to find and the one company I fell in love with seem to be getting more and more expensive. I think of the nice examples that I passed on because my money had been spent on the groups of mediocre examples and now will cost me double or triple what I passed on earlier. It is tough being newly excited and having to hold back, but will be so worth it in the end.
  11. Bunch of nice ones Chuck, but my favorite is the sunburst with the stringers and a ton of clear. Really cool marble.
  12. When we can not place one to a specific company, we call them West Virginia swirls as a cover all as so many are near indistinguishable.. There were something like 14 swirl companies not so many miles from each other. We all have WVS piles. =}
  13. Man.....these are a type {single color on white} I am not sure we can be 100%, the wormhole look pushes me in the Ravenswood direction. Alley tend to be a much sharper direction change of ribbon. However I think it can only be used as a %.
  14. Cool marble, I know little about CAC and always enjoy learning a little more. =}
  15. Eyelashes are typically a little longer coming from the seam outward. Here is a pic that I use to show lashes, although you won't typically find this many.
  16. 1 2 3 [4Helmet] 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 19 vitro 5 6 id go master likely 21 looks maybe akro 15 23 maybe vitro if not an early Jabo?
  17. I think you may be stronger than you think Sirkent. =}
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