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Everything posted by jeeperman

  1. I just took a stroll threw this thread and realized I have never posted this Sistersville. Better late than never I reckon. =}
  2. Cool marble Jerry, the pic almost looks like a slightly colored B&W
  3. Yeppers, some of these red on yellow are really nice. I like it.
  4. Man, looks like I have miss the party! lol I think Krystal has it pretty well sorted. Steph you are to funny and you have a good handle on whats what. Shoot I don't always keep it as straight! lol
  5. I believe it could have been for other things than as toys, like hat pins, jewelry and such things would likely require something in the peewee size.
  6. Yes it does. Have fun on your hunt. They are not super easy to find. =}
  7. I think Larry was talking about the lower right one. But don't worry it is CAC. =}
  8. I am curious as to who is questioning it. Knowing would tell me how much weight to put with their question.
  9. My thought from what I can see here is CAC, although I do see some things that would make me question it and want to see it in hand before I would bet the house on it. unfortunately your spider legs idea while fun is one of those nature of the beast things. The way the glass laid out to create the flames had to start somewhere and those loops might just be that starting point.
  10. You do often have a bit of a curl or looping on the opposite side with Alley. it does not always look exactly the same but I have a few I can post for you.
  11. This is turning out to be an informative and interesting thread, thank you everyone.
  12. Thank you, I went there and put my two cents in. You have to be careful about the pages and who says what. There are a lot of self proclaimed experts that have only been collecting for a couple years. There is no issue with being new, we all start at the beginning, but when you try to teach before you know it does nothing good for anyone.
  13. It is not new and those not knowing is not new, even those that do not consider anything but Akro ox being oxblood is not new. lol What page did you see this?
  14. Welcome Stephane, glad to see you made it. Bunch of nice stuff for sure!
  15. Oh now that is more what I expected......at least along those lines but that sure does not make sorting commons any easier. lol Nice find there Chuck, Thanks.
  16. Sorry I have no milky innards, I can say there are a couple on that collage at the bottom that have an extra bit of clear and some of the ox is under the surface, how far I do not know. Wouldn't it be interesting if not all we know as Akro milkies are not? Just thoughts to ponder.
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