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Everything posted by kris7047th

  1. The first book *Machine-Made Marbles* came out last year and devotes much of it's writing to the history of machine-made marbles of the various companies. This book is about identifying various marbles. The authors are Dean Six,Susie Metzler and Michael Johnson who also authored this latest one. Kris
  2. Hey Ant... they show the dates of the first run of Classics 1991 thru Fall of 2005, pages 70-123 almost entirely pictures. There are also Presidential pictured Jabos shown. The book is very reasonably priced and it compliments the first edition. Kris
  3. This book will be a real help for newbies to aid them in identifying their marbles. Kris
  4. kris7047th


    I have already downloaded the power tool image resizer, but it isn't recognized by the current photo program that came with the camera. Galen was kind enough to send me the site for the power tool and to help me to down load it as well. I need to start storing my pics in a different program... *My Pictures*, but I am having trouble downloading the pics from the camera from the card reader in the printer (HP Photo smart 3200 series) to *My Pictures*folder. I haven't had the time to *fool* with it and I am sloooow to learn these things as well. I will get there..eventually. Kris
  5. kris7047th


    It's my camera that makes it too big. I have to take the time to figure out the resizing with putting my pics in a different program, instead of the one that came with the camera. The settings on the camera are on the smallest setting. REAllY! Galen, I will be calling you later.LOL!! Kris
  6. kris7047th


    They haven't made any marbles since then. Kris
  7. kris7047th


    Terry, I'm guessing that mine are second runs and I do have them in 2 different color combinations then what you are showing. I have a yellow blue/green and a red. Two are kind of patch like with clear bases even though it appears to be green. Kris
  8. I was cleaning up and found a small box that I recieved some marbles in awhile back, last July... and it was from Guy. Twice I had bought some very nice Pelt Rainbos from him. I would always keep a look for when he would post them up for auction. I wish that I had the opportunity to have met him. Kris
  9. There was a thread pertaining to a Peltier sub awhile back. As I recall, the colors look right with the one that you have posted. This one could be one. Hope so! Kris
  10. I am trully sorry to hear that a dear friend of so many will be missed too soon. Kris
  11. I have bought some of his Pelts in the past six months. I always looked for his auctions because he was always on target in his descriptions and offered a huge variety of Pelts to bid from. He is such a gentleman to deal with and I trully hopes that he has a very speedy recovery. He is trully a GOOD *EGG* Kris
  12. NICE, Patry!!! I really love the marble on the lower left. Your use of colors create a wonderful depth into the marble. Kris
  13. I am a newbie! The first marble to pique my interest in collecting was a huge European Handmade from my exhusband's deceased father. My cuiosity got me and I checked out Ebay to see what they had in the way of marbles... Whoa!! I was surprized and got HOOKED!! From what I see from this perspective as a new collector is American collectors wanting to preserve and learn the history/heritage behind American made marbles which just happen to be machine made instead of handmade. The different companies from the past offered differnt constructions, colors using their own styles and techniques at different time periods.. a huge variety to satisfy the tastes for everyone. As for me playing marbles as a kid?? ... not warm fuzzy memories on that... my older brother used to badger... BULLY me into playing different games including marbles and he would beat my butt and later gloat about it. LOL (now)! JV.. you are from Europe where the wonderful handmades were produced as an art form.. of course you would collect/study them to preserve your marble cullture. Welcome back!! Kris
  14. Yeah, that's a keeper! NICE!! Kris
  15. I am so sorry for you, to loose such a good companion. Kris
  16. Just my opinion... not worth a whole lot, though. But... I think the value should be determined on the complexity of the construction, combination of the colors used, the base glass.. what type.. how uncommon was it regardless if it had a very slight orange peel to it. With some of the Pelts I have noticed that the SLIGHT orange peel surface kinda added to the character of a few. Since I haven't been at this very long,... I am not too choosey about as made surfaces. Kris
  17. So is it called an *Orange Ace*? Galen... please forgive me for asking that Thanks! It is HUGE! just over 1". Kris
  18. For awhile, I thought the big 1" Orange guy was an Ade, but it doesn't fluoresce-- killed that idea... or is it inspite of that fact. All others do fluoresce. Oh.... what is that thin *bluish* thread in the last pic in the Orange Cork? Kris
  19. That's pretty wild, Steph. Do these have the typical *hit* marks that are usually found on Jabos? Also, I KNOW that you are familiar with Jabos, determining what they are, and not. I trust your opinion here. Kris
  20. Actually, *palomino* is a great name to describe your color....it's for all of the yellow colored horses that have a range from light yellow to a darker colored, smokey yellow. Kris
  21. These are two Acme Realers that I have. The first pic was taken with a flash and I had a dificult time getting a clear pic without the flash to show the opal glow when they are place in natural light. I never knew about the other characteristics of the serpentine shape of the patch before, but it definitely applies here too. Thanks Chris for the informative thread and clearing up some misinformation on them. Kris
  22. The #2 or the center one with the black "crud"? Possibly the one on the left as well. Kris
  23. kris7047th


    Hey John, Hang on to that one. It is very pretty with a great pattern. There is something to be said of these sparklers- no two are alike. Most are loaded with brillant colors and frequently oxblood washed over the surface or in a striped pattern. Thanks for putting yours up! Kris
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