Sissydear, I thought Dave Mc was out of champion by that time.lstmmrbls, on 07 Jan 2014 - 09:56 AM, said:
Dan, please share your info. It was my understanding that The Wissmach glass was used one time. I have had large groups from the one run(cleanout?) that I know about and the true "Furnace Marbles" I know of are from.
Hi Galen, my info comes from the book American machine made marbles in the champion section. I am out of town right now or I would quote it and post the pages I have printed out. To paraphrase it says that in 1994 - 1995 they would clean out the tanks with wismach glass every few months. So my thinking is that the diffenent cleanouts is what produced the several of the different types. Not sure but would like to hear more thoughts.
I do not believe the marbles posted in this thread are furnace.
Maybe we should start this discussion somewhere else.
Does anyone disagree with the info in the American Machine Made Marbles book? The furnace marbles are discussed in the champion section.
From what I heard the author did a pretty through job interviewing the right people.