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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Bibi knocked some of my papers and photos from George over, and this landed on top of the upended pile. Thought I'd share before I put the papers in a more out of the way spot. I don't know the year of the ad. Maybe I'll find it later on a related page. I _think_ I have that booklet by Windy Allen. That should be something I should be sure about, but I'm not.
  2. My cat pushes me off the computer sometimes. She has become hooked on animal videos! So sometimes I leave her to them. She likes the computer so much she even likes to watch my letters appear as I'm typing. It's just hard to type with her there. I had postponed my garden plans because my job was going to be so busy in summer ... and so physical. But I'm not currently on the schedule, so maybe it's time to get out to those beds. Yeah ... good idea. Not going into work has messed with my diet! And I was doing so well! Garden is sounding better and better.
  3. From left to right. Top row -- Akro, Vitro, Vitro Bottom row -- Peltier, and then ????
  4. Steph


    I'll go with Vitro.
  5. Stops in to wave. Should try to think of something marbular to post but have a big paperwork thing pressing on my mind .... ugh.
  6. Matt finishes sometimes come from spending time in water, such as in an aquarium.
  7. P.s. more good press for Jelle! I know he's loving it. @YellowMarble P.p.s. my cat likes watching the marble races with me. But right now she is beating her tail against my mouse and making it hard for me to do anything.
  8. Cute article. Literally LOL-ed at the comment: "I really watched a 8 minute marble race on YouTube".
  9. Third row, 6th marble is in need of more photos. You may have an NLR there.
  10. Vitro for the group of four. Master for the single marble.
  11. No worries! When you're dreaming about them, maybe time for a break (lol) but no worries! Not a pontil. Pontils are on handmade marbles. Yours is a machinemade marble. You have some "drizzle" ... where the marble got hung up somewhere and a string of glass was formed and then it was rounded back into the marble. Jabo is modern marble. They mostly made industrial marbles, like for paint cans. But they made some play marbles also, called "classics". Their classics were made from 1991 to 2007. After that they made some fancier marbles in special contract runs. So, some people who are hoping for vintage marbles are unhappy to learn they have modern marbles. I'm still holding out hope for vintage myself, but the drizzle makes it a nice oddball, whenever it was made.
  12. I split your new marble into a new thread ... and I put my own title on it based on the colors I was seeing. THEN I noticed your description of the marble, "electric blue base white opaque Swirl" ... So I'm seeing the colors differently. Whatever the colors, I'm confident that it is not Christensen Agate. Possibly Alley Agate.
  13. I've seen some pretty great lips on marbles. But smiles and pelts and just this style but different colors? ... scavenger hunt time ....
  14. It's fun to look at marbles again through the eyes of someone who hasn't yet been conditioned to value the standard "collectible" makers and styles. For a moment it helps me to remember what it used to be like for me.
  15. I work at a hotel. It's still open for now. The attached restaurant has now closed except for carry-out or room service. The hotel management is playing it by ear -- we have many longterm guests working construction jobs in the area. My 72-year-old coworker just had her last day until the threat passes. Sooooo, anywaaaaaay, I don't know what I'll be doing next week. P.s., yay flute! I tried to pick it up again after a long hiatus ... but my CATS objected and so I gave it away. But we _do_ have a small tuba in the attic ..... hmmmmmm .......
  16. Well the UV stuff might be important in a way ... could be from Vitrolite cullet, for example. But first step is letting us see as close as possible what the marble looks like in hand in normal light.
  17. Don't worry about the UV stuff. Just try the normal light picture in different lighting. Maybe in a room with a different set of reflections. Do you have something big and metallic overhead? Something was making a wide silver reflection on the marble which interferes with us seeing it as it is.
  18. Mmmmm ... spam and rice doesn't sound half bad .... I could see it with teriyaki sauce. Take care.
  19. You are freaking me out! Where is the silver coming from? I guess it's a reflection from above ? Well a dark purple base with a white swirl _is_ a familiar combination. But I think a lot of WV swirl makers did it.
  20. "purple clear base"? As in transparent purple? It sure looks like I'm seeing the silver from behind the marble coming up through the marble.
  21. black and white ribbons in a clear base? That's different. I like but it's not ringing any bells at all.
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