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Everything posted by Steph

  1. That would be the one. Only visited Mexico. Turned down a trip to France. Canada is the only non-U.S. site still on my bucket list.
  2. I am pretty sure I have a four-color, four-vane Asian marble. However, the vanes are straight sharp blades which can't be confused with Marble King. I am still strongly leaning MK on Ric's.
  3. I have visited 8 countries. I have lived in 40 places. I wish I had Rick's imagination.
  4. I totally believe you jumped out of airplanes ... so just how tall are you?
  5. Can't be common. I'll even venture to say rare. I presently have no memory that indicates such a thing would have been done on purpose. How do I keep not being able to lay my hands on Elizabeth's cat's eye book? It's probably in my bookshelf right in front of me and I just can't see it because I feel hurried. It'll show up soon.
  6. Nifty video I found while trying to help someone understand aventurine. Only had two likes. I gave it a third.
  7. Steph

    ID help

    This cutline is the money shot for the consideration of Jabo or not. I too will go with nonAmerican, leaning strongly to Imperial.
  8. Asian to me. And interesting.
  9. When I started collecting marbles, "vintage" meant "earlier than 1970". It's now 20 years later. But something made in the 1970's is still considered modern. Right? Just pondering when the definitions will get updated ....
  10. I love hearing them have fun. ❤️ It's (often) worth the loss of sleep.
  11. If you mean Kris, she has made it on.
  12. Peltier Peerless Patch. Circa 1930.
  13. I thought I had a few of them but if I did, they're not in the correct box. Here's a picture posted by William Vedoe on facebook. The picture gets quite large if you click enough.
  14. Might be a Jabo. Might be an Asian cat's eye. Or a blue clearie. She has several of each in her collection.
  15. Can't sleep. Putzing on the computer in the dark living room. Listening to my cat roll a marble around the hard wood floor. 😸
  16. My first thought was Anacortes Vitro. But now I'm considering the Marble King known as a Caramel. From 2003, I read.
  17. From breakfast a couple of weekends ago at Point Beach State Forest on Lake Michigan.
  18. Hello. Welcome. How wonderful to have a chance to explore the Welsh coast. Hard to say what that is. Just how small is that? In America I would be wondering if it were a Christensen Agate from Ohio or a swirl made by one of the many West Virginia company. It is true they exported to the UK but it's harder to feel confident about guesses for marbles found in other countries. Anyway, getting a good feel for the measurement would be a good start.
  19. Steph


    I think Vacor for #1 and Jabo for #2.
  20. Someone got overexcited. Edit: two someones got overexcited.
  21. Yes, it would have been a great loss. I miss Joe. We'd be glad to help you sort.
  22. It is gone for good at the original address. @bumblebee archived it and hosts a copy here. https://marbleconnection.com/joemarbles/
  23. Pat_Knucklers found this one https://forgedmettlefarm.com/2016/06/28/wth-is-a-marble-doing-in-my-water-line Key phrase: "An internet search on the marble indicates that these were used in check valves in older hot water heaters."
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