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Everything posted by Steph

  1. At first glance, the structure on the right looked Marble King to me. I don't have blue-based MK cats though. I do have blue-based Vitros, but with a cage style cat. Fwiw, the modern Marble King cats could go a little crazy structurally. I am considering that #2 through 5 (left to right) could all be American-made cats from the same manufacturer, even though #3 obviously doesn't care about fitting in. And a different maker for the larger marble, #1.
  2. Steph


    I'll jump on Art's train.
  3. Now that I'm seeing yellow on both ends, I'm heading fast to MK-ville.
  4. How do you do it?! The club foot one HAS to be true. I'll say the lie is the white winged crow.
  5. Anacortes Vitro is a choice to consider for a Jabo-feeling patch.
  6. Steph

    2 Akro?

    The blue one is very Akro to me. Have seen a boxful of dug ones.
  7. Steph


    I'm not seeing Vacor cutlines, fwiw.
  8. Steph

    2 Akro?

    Akro sounds good to me.
  9. Steph

    4 for ID

    I expect some will say Vitro on the top left, but that green looks Akro to me.
  10. Haven't yet found the four color non-MK that I'm pretty sure I have. But I did find a two-color cross through that doesn't look MK. Was hard to photograph. The vanes are rather sheer and I can barely use my camera anyway. It's two white vanes and two turquoise.
  11. So how many places _have_ you lived?
  12. That would be the one. Only visited Mexico. Turned down a trip to France. Canada is the only non-U.S. site still on my bucket list.
  13. I am pretty sure I have a four-color, four-vane Asian marble. However, the vanes are straight sharp blades which can't be confused with Marble King. I am still strongly leaning MK on Ric's.
  14. I have visited 8 countries. I have lived in 40 places. I wish I had Rick's imagination.
  15. I totally believe you jumped out of airplanes ... so just how tall are you?
  16. Can't be common. I'll even venture to say rare. I presently have no memory that indicates such a thing would have been done on purpose. How do I keep not being able to lay my hands on Elizabeth's cat's eye book? It's probably in my bookshelf right in front of me and I just can't see it because I feel hurried. It'll show up soon.
  17. Nifty video I found while trying to help someone understand aventurine. Only had two likes. I gave it a third.
  18. Steph

    ID help

    This cutline is the money shot for the consideration of Jabo or not. I too will go with nonAmerican, leaning strongly to Imperial.
  19. Asian to me. And interesting.
  20. When I started collecting marbles, "vintage" meant "earlier than 1970". It's now 20 years later. But something made in the 1970's is still considered modern. Right? Just pondering when the definitions will get updated ....
  21. I love hearing them have fun. ❤️ It's (often) worth the loss of sleep.
  22. If you mean Kris, she has made it on.
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