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Everything posted by Steph

  1. http://www.ivorycats.co.uk/alot.php?pg=24
  2. I shoveled the snow from the sidewalk three times yesterday waiting for my book! It didn't come, but my post man was happy. It's here today and it's sharp. The color indexing is a nice touch on an already beautiful book. Going to be a helpful resource.
  3. No, not THIS one .... this one ..... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/22660-board-support-auction/?do=findComment&comment=204198 New auctions added from time to time ....
  4. I enjoyed the red show ... it got nicely twisted toward the end!
  5. Good job. I think it has been said that they don't always fluoresce, but you made it easier! Lovely.
  6. I was surprised too ... I never win the ones with the interesting marbles inside. I can hardly wait to see the one with the blue and white ribbons close up. I do have another bag with that header. Will be fun to compare.
  7. took a four mile walk through the snowy woods yesterday sore today! Worth it!
  8. Steph


    Alley all the way!
  9. Are you wondering if the blue is more closely related to a Figure 8 than it is to a slag?
  10. Good question. Is the red oxblood? (coz if it is it might have been accidental, which would make them closer to seeming like the same type)
  11. Steph

    Vintage TV

    A neat article about Diagnosis Murder's themes in casting guest stars. First a long description of the spy episode, and then more about the various ensembles. They had a M*A*S*H day and they had a science fiction day, for example. http://www.spywise.net/discards.html
  12. I still would like to see the seams on the maybe sweet pea. I believe sweet peas to be from the 1930's. Could be a little later. The blue-based marble near the top middle of this last photo is a Mexican marble and modern. The yellow marble with the red patch to its right might be a Peltier Peerless Patch. If so, then it's from the 1930's. The red and brown and white one toward the right side of the photo has a pattern which some famous marbles from the 1960's have. That's a Vitro All-Red pattern. However, if it has an iridescent finish (sort of pearly or oily looking) then it would be a modern marble (Mexican or Chinese). (Vitro and Peltier are American marbles.) I see some other possibly older marbles in this last photo.
  13. Hi Vikki. Welcome. You have one much older marble there. Late 1800's or early 1900's. Handmade marble from Germany. Near the top of your first picture. Between the two large black ones. Most of the others would be Mexican or Chinese. You have a lot from Vacor de Mexico. A couple of them ... the two largish ones with the clear base and orange and white ribbons inside -- I wonder if those might be from Holland. If not, then probably from Mexico.
  14. I wanna fix that quote but I don't want a rep for tampering with posts!
  15. I would call those "pigs in a blanket". Though pigs in blankets are more traditional with biscuits than with crescent rolls. (American biscuits, not English biscuits. ) Ah, I translated your name -- Sausages in a dressing gown .... Pretty close to what we say.for that particular treat.
  16. Enjoying the 40's and 50's. I like the 20's and 30's but a little higher for these past few days has been nice. Gonna dip down again next weekend, but maybe spring is here. We got just a sprinkle, to go with the winds making the waves crash on the shore half a mile away on Lake Michigan. Creates a dull roar that we can hear over here. Hang on out there, Galen.
  17. Yummmm ... I have corndogs every couple of years or so ... this year's have sausage instead of hotdog .... yummmmmmm http://www.johnsonville.com/products/smoked-sausage-corn-dogs.html Worth the time to do them in the oven instead of the microwave.
  18. Charity auctions to benefit animals, run by an old friend --- Scoop http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_ipg=50&_ssn=marble_alley&_sop=1 Here's her new facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100015276288216&fref=ts
  19. I'm a gonna guess yes, since I remember the name "forever" and my "forever" goes back to just a little bit earlier than this thread.
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