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Everything posted by Steph

  1. ZOMG edit: lol @ "the East Bay tour" edit some more: ... and the building inspections and it all .... what fun.
  2. Aw, you might be right. Or a modern Chinese handmade.
  3. What a beautiful swirly Deere. I was just thinking about John Deeres today, realizing yet again that I don't know if they'e green ribbons on a yellow base or yellow ribbons on a green base. And now I smile as I realize I can't tell from the picture. But that sure is pretty.
  4. Xxxxxx .... xxxxxx? What did we do with X before? Ah yes, Al saved the day with a Triple XXX bag.
  5. Bump because I love this thread. Here are some named Jabos -- Last Dances. The ones with the purple oxblood are called Hardcore and the one with just the redder ox is called The Colonel.
  6. mmmm ... I see the quandary. I'm leaning Akro also for now. Not sure if they have a special name if they're Akro, and they're not quite fitting into the "Akro TriColor Agate" pattern in my brain. But what else could it be? Here are some Vitro Beach Balls which Edna posted:
  7. no kidding ... that's an Akro I would like to have
  8. ... if when you think of the word "Tributes" you're not thinking of Hunger Games.
  9. ... if when you're walking back from the post office after mailing your Tributes, and you see the sparkly tar road, think of black aventurine Hmmm ... I thought this was supposed to have more sparkle ... I'll check it again and then work on capturing it
  10. Last Dance ... I have these labeled Foxtrot ... but they're right next to the compartment which says Bull (for Colonel Bull Simons) and I am not sure I see the difference. These are the kind which look quite dark in hand but then with the right light ....
  11. What a wonderful view. I LOVE snow ... I want to move north. Wisconsin is too far south for me. But hopefully snow will hold off this year. Have a little bit too much going on.
  12. etui https://www.pinterest.com/bettacorbellini/sewing-etui/
  13. Here is my eensiest weensiest Tribute to Friendship. Complete with four specks of lutz. Okay, probably six or more but I can't see them all at once to verify. 7/16". Maybe one day I'll retake the photo with a 2009 dime.
  14. Here's a double from the Jabo Tribute to Friendship run. As doubles go, it's small. About 11/16".
  15. I can't tell if this is metallic. Let's say it is since that will make the color more appealing.
  16. I have a mondo messed up Marble King that has a little bit if pink metallic on it, if I remember correctly ....where might I find it? ... hmmmm
  17. I could enjoy a roller coaster if it were that mellow.
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