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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here's looking at you, Bud! Hey, I'm not two months late yet, am I? *sheepish* Got a bunch of marbles from a couple of the Tribute runs. That means some to give away, some to sell on ebay, some to keep forever and ever, and some which is cullet and I wonder if anyone would want that. This is decision weekend.
  2. Trilitious ^^ that's a new word I'm taking for a spin.
  3. (sold on ebay by someone in Argentina, so that was interesting)
  4. Found it. My first word was "dog". Which of course is pronounced "goggie".
  5. ..... I saw my baby book recently .... pretty sure my first word is in it ..... now where did I put the book .....
  6. The reason bricks got their name!
  7. Pretty. I'm getting an Akro corkscrew feeling from the 2nd view.
  8. Indeed. A played with marble is like a time machine!
  9. That sung got stuck in my head .... but it's a good song to have stuck.
  10. Jerry, yours looks like a brick.
  11. One of my boyfriends liked the Willie Nelson one, so I have fond memories of that.
  12. Peter Caparelli, the owner of Land of Marbles. http://landofmarbles.com/
  13. Getting pretty far into the weeds now. Hope I made sense.
  14. It's not so much me disagreeing with what folks call it -- it's just a quirk with collector's definitions. Some marbles could be considered Popeyes which were never part of a tri-onyx run ... but marbles which were part of a tri-onxy run and were sold in Popeye boxes could be rules out as popeyes because they don't have enough clear or don't have enough filamented white. The technical details of the collectors' definition make some real tri-onyx's somehow not good enough to be Popeyes. But in theory some other marbles could slide into the category even though they weren't originally in a tri-onxy run. So I'm really commenting on how names can drift away from the original versions so much the original marbles in that class don't qualify any more. It'd be like if someone went up to Chuck B. and tried to argue that their definition for Vitro Superiors was better than his and that what he was calling Superiors weren't really. When he and Diane are the ones who coined the name.
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