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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Interesting. So you will play marbles on it? At first I thought you might be talking about an art project.
  2. That's a nice little bump, John. I was enjoying the bright colors. Then I looked up and saw Paul's and I almost fell out of my chair. How did that happen?! I understand Ric's. I understand John's. I don't understand Paul's.
  3. Oh .... hmmm ... maybe I'll check that out. I just finished watching Life in Pieces.
  4. Pretend you are standing in the center of a room. You find yourself surrounded by strangers. They don't speak your language. You realize that you are totally naked. Everyone wants to touch you. Welcome to the life of a dog.
  5. This one LOOKS oxbloody on the edges. And it's reminding me of being a newbie, being sure my Akro had at least some ox ... but since of the the red clearly wasn't ox, it was hard to make the case for PART of the red being ox. But I still wanted to. And this pelt still, to my much more trained eyes, looks ox-y on the edges when I examine it in hand, but I won't swear to it.
  6. At least he didn't say soup *spoken in Grouch Marx mode*
  7. It was like a sushi roll but on a bun.
  8. Thai sub sandwich from the market around the corner. Because Bob recommended it. He was right. This is gooooood.
  9. lol ... yeah, sumpin like that
  10. Oooh, that's unusual even for unusual ones. Thanks for the bump. ... all of you who bump with your goodies. I haven't been talking as much but I appreciate them all.
  11. Thanks, Ed. Always been fascinated with those also.
  12. Yes, seeds on the left, small clay marbles on the right. Clays called "commies" because they were "common".
  13. A golden age. The Great Depression, but a wonderful time for marbles.
  14. Coolness. Now where did I hide my Alley book? Of course, I didn't doubt it was Alley. Just wondered how many other people were in on the secret ... and would be beating down your door for it!
  15. They're seeds. And they're marbles. And now I have some. Many years ago I saw Jane Gillings' webpage about them and wrote to her and learned a thing or two. And then she offered to send me some. And I shyly said no. But recently I really wished I had some so I wrote her and asked if she still had them, and long story short, I have these cute marbles and a happy memory. I photographed them next to commies for comparison. The commies are little heavier, but the quandongs are heavier than I thought they would be. I shot one across the sheet I had out for the photo and it traveled pretty well. You could have a good game with these.
  16. Nothing ringing a bell. (Well, some of those names sound like vintage marbles of course.) A picture might help ...
  17. Still thinking of you and your mini machine to be. And still wanna do one myself.
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