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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hmmmm ... More views? Could it be a dug Marble King?
  2. Them's some wicked snakes.
  3. Cross-posting is good with this bag for sure. I guess I still don't know if any were made after the Marble King company was founded -- were they all left over stock from the Alley years? Five years worth of old stock?
  4. Dang ... I am proud of myself. I didn't know what the name of those Australian "marbles" could be ... but that letter Q stuck with me ... all those years later ... and sure enough. They were called Quandongs. So, I say with mingled pride and humility, I really have been blessed with a fine memory. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/7681-tome-whaddaya-know-about-quandongs/
  5. If you're a Big Brother fan who has been put off by how boring the first 50 days of this season have been, hold onto your hat. Stuff just got wild. As of the past two days.
  6. Awwwww ... how fun And what a nice blast of cold on a hot night like tonight.
  7. I don't know why I am so fascinated with the age of things. But I am. I want to pin down those 1940's marbles from earliest to latest. And another thing I wanna pin down is when bulls-eyes were made.
  8. I'll just look at it awhile.
  9. Thanks, Al. Hmmmmm ... I guess I call 'em "close enough". Which might sound strange coming from me since I am often such a purist. But if they don't have another name option floating out there ...
  10. ... no prob ... but here's the link .... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/22329-double-ingots-or-more/
  11. Here are some from the Standard Toy Marble Company of Akron. Just for comparison. Not seeing a match? ?? The hunt continues.
  12. I've seen you make a distinction about Galaxies before ... but not understood. Am I lumping too many marbles under the "Galaxy" name?
  13. Thank you for sharing. Hadn't heard from him in awhile. Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.
  14. I do not know if they are still in production.
  15. New-ish. Could be as early as the 1980's. Could be more recent. Vacor Galaxy.
  16. Bored ...so tried to find something marble-ular on google. I found a graphic novel called Marbles -- but it's about bipolar disorder. Then I found a comic strip called Splendid Marbles -- but it's about politics. Gimme a break!
  17. Of course! Doh! How did I not see that?
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