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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Pretty in pink, Ann. What a nice set, Bo.
  2. zugzwang ... that's an acceptable scrabble word ....
  3. Trans-X is new to me. At least I think so. My recent Canadian immersion has blurred a little. Some pretty records in the video.
  4. Steph


    Certainly does look Akro. The texture that's coming through my monitor makes me think of some serious pocket wear -- plus some honest-to-gosh play damage.
  5. Nice. A bunch of nice groups. You have one I suspect is "misplaced" -- an Imperial in with some Masters -- but some really solid blocks there. How big is the biggest?
  6. LOL @ the hybrid animal name -- you may know from another thread that I have been on the look out for those.
  7. Agree. Asian. Modern. The kind sometimes called "Imperial" because they were distributed by the Imperial Toy Co.
  8. Here's my Alley that I am comparing it to: (Photo background: Most of those are Alleys -- maybe three are Champions -- the three closest to the left -- all with blue -- there was some confusion about this set originally because they were dug at the Champ site ... but that site is just feet from the Alley site.)
  9. Gotta say Vitro. Not sure if they're classic cosmic rainbows, but that was my first thought no them. ... .I guess they could be older. A couple mighta made me wanna say Master if I saw them alone, but in a group, I'll go Vitro for all.
  10. *shouting* I think Japanese. But you don't have to remove ... I find the occasional "contrast" photo helpful.
  11. Hey, I was just looking at one of those and realizing that that I didn't remember having one. Just two minutes ago.
  12. It could fit into my Pennsboro Alley box -- depending on how much more purple it is. But I can't swear there aren't other good options.
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