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Everything posted by Steph

  1. omg omg omg so hot Are you glistening? I'm glistening.
  2. I don't care about Alec Baldwin! ..... I just yelled that as I stomped out of the livingroom when PBS NewsHour started a story about him .... As I was finishing my sentence, I rounded the corner to the bedroom, and on the bed kitty cat Joe is urgently blinking at me ... which I realize is him trying to calm me down ... so I blink back at him for awhile ... and we both seem calmer.
  3. Without knowing details, I'm sure part of the discussion will break down as commons versus uncommons.
  4. You mean the moss agate corks? For a second I thought maybe you meant one like Bill's green based with blue cork. And I thought "moonsnake" And fell in love.
  5. Thanks for the bump. I'm still psyching myself up to gather up my cutlines and appreciate every one you deliver.
  6. Purple! So pritty. Can see the seam on that one ... interesting. Never thought about a confetti seam.
  7. My Alley doesn't have as much color. Originally, when I was told it was a Champion, I thought that maybe the difference between the Champs and the very similar Alleys was that the Alleys had more color. Then it was determined that mine was also an Alley ... so I see Alley has having both options. Simple like mine. A little fancier like Bud's.
  8. ("Alba" is Gaelic for Scotland.)
  9. Steph

    Deep Thought

    so you're not a fan of extreme moderation?
  10. THAT is an example of a cutline. Yea! You got the ball rolling! It's a Peltier Rainbo. A nice specimen. Forgot the potatoes? That went *whoosh* over my head.
  11. One last chance .... to save me from having to dig out my marbles and come up with some cutline shots. Don't make me do this! Okay, that's my to-do list for tomorrow.
  12. Makes good sense. hehe @ grown up boys.
  13. There ARE Akro corks that I do not know a company name for. LIke this fascinating one of Bill's on the back right -- with the opaque ribbon on a translucent colored base -- what the heck would Akro have called that?
  14. What was it that corks were called in early MCSA publications? Was it spirals for all of them? (Ya, as far as company names, at least in the early 1930's, the spirals were the colored ribbons on clear base and the onyx were the white ribbons on the colored base.)
  15. Went down to our Lake today. In the daytime. Thanks to Bob for fixing the bike so it wouldn't seem like such a chore to go that full mile. A bike is much better than roller blades.
  16. I like the Champagne bases. And others. I was pretty sure what they were, but couldn't say 100% because I remember one run which reminded me of them.
  17. What a strange and pretty end that fly met.
  18. ....... someone named Ann posted this one most recently .......
  19. Neato. I either didn't know or didn't remember that Masters could have such debris. Nice effect.
  20. Gosh, Bo, that marble is a looker.
  21. A treasure. And you dug it? How exciting that must have been.
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