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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Some Cardinal Reds here ..... And it will be totally understandable to me if you think they look like yours .... http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21723-your-favorite-reds/?do=findComment&comment=192819
  2. LOL ... Oh no! ... Someone wants us to THINK!?!
  3. That's one of those "now my collection is complete" marbles.
  4. That's pretty cool for one day. Gives me hope. Would definitely make a fun family project for kids.
  5. Well, this one is clearly from the 1930's. A wild aquamaroon. Clearly.
  6. Actually that sounds like a fun idea for a thread -- contrasts between Vacors from different years. But not sure how many people have contrasting examples on hand.
  7. In some years swirl ribbons can be strong and run deep. In other years, they be seem weaker and maybe more on the surface of the marble. Some Roosters can be mistaken for slags. Some look more like they have paint on the surface, with a texture to the white which looks distinctly foreign. That's just one example. And of course it would be more helpful with photos! Maybe someone can come up with better examples ... and pix.
  8. But now I need some watermelon. *putting it on the shopping list*
  9. Just for fun, try to see deep inside ... maybe with a flashlight ... Sometimes there will be a cat eye in there ....... for example ......
  10. As to one cutline versus two cutlines ... what do you mean by one cutline? The marbles I think of as single seam are not ones I see often enough to use them as something I try to sort by. I really should have thought about and edited that post above before I posted it. I sort between swirls and non-swirls. And the non-swirls could be various patch and/or ribbons style marbles with two-cutlines. And among these non-swirls, I sort out the foreign ones first. And then I have fun with the American makers.
  11. Funny you mention blacklight. I still do blacklight in early stages. I wonder what %-age of us do that. Since I recognize makers of most marbles, I now mostly sort that way. But the blacklight comes out soon if not first thing. If I have a lot of damage, I put them back on the shelf and say "later" because I hate that part of the cull process ... I don't want to get rid of any of them. Eventually I put those in a "damaged" jar. The boringest, non-glowing, 3-vane, coke-bottle glass Asian cat's eyes go into a "don't care about" jar. The six-vane Asians and the four-vane Asians and the Americans get a different sort. But yeah ... probably pull cats out at an early stage. And the marbles I recognize by maker get put in their maker's boxes. And then I'm left with the pile I don't recognize by maker and some of them may end up in my "mystery swirl" or "mystery patch" box. But it takes them a long time to get there. There's a batch which is currently shoved under the bed which I've been procrastinating on. So, my unhelpful answer is that I do a quick sort of what I recognize and what doesn't make me cry because of damage, and the rest I deal with sporadically.
  12. Yes, it's holding back in the photo but I see it now.
  13. Nice. Does it have the Ace glow? If so, bonus. If not, it's still very lovely.
  14. Star Trek fan fiction has become elaborate.
  15. "If I drop off the face of the earth" warning is in place again. Attacking the plumbing today.
  16. So ... izzit ox? Like it looks like? Or "just" sweet sweet "ordinary" color?
  17. Digging the aqua shades tonight.
  18. Weird name coincidence ... my Great Uncle Charlie Sears helped design the Sears Tower. No relation! And Charlie's brother was named Willis. Willis Sears. Little ol' 7-year-old me in Corpus Christi, TX knew about that Sears Tower going up in Chicago because of that one time Uncle Charlie came down to see us. We ate at a Chinese restaurant that evening.
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