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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Soooo, some may not know, but the Last Dance name came from the name for the celebration of life of a Special Forces member who had passed away. (I don't know if many Special Forces members had such a celebration, or if it was just one particular veteran.) So while many of the Last Dance style names are actual dances, some have a military connection, including the name of the run itself. This style name is Special Forces.
  2. Before I go back to Last Dance here's the Kokomo Lutz Confetti Josh posted in my ID thread yesterday.
  3. It is isn't it. Thanks for the bump.
  4. What a Tribute! (Thanks, Josh, for straightening me out on the ID.) Boulders
  5. I had this one on ebay and it didn't sell and I am soooooo happy. I kept looking at the picture and hoping it wouldn't sell but I wasn't willing to yank the auction. I had just pulled it randomly out of my keeper box to have something to list, and now it's going back home. Prittty.
  6. .... well, alrighty then .... that could fit in with the very light gold haze I think I'm seeing on some of my blues. Remnants of the confetti maybe.
  7. What a Tribute? Well that didn't even cross my mind. I had really started to think that maybe I was seeing lutz in the Kokomos ... but oh so subtle so probably wishful thinking.
  8. My Jabo sort continues. More Lutz to show off. And taking pictures isn't terrifying anymore. (*pats self on back*)
  9. Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right of me ... I received these together. The Kokomo Run on the left in one baggie. The Joker Odyssey on the right in another baggie. The boulders wrapped separately and unlabeled. The smaller of the boulders has colors which could match the Kokomos. It also has a thread of lutz, which is showing faintly on the bottom side of the marble in the boulder close-up. So, did the Kokomo run include any which were over 7/8"? Or any with lutz? In the sunlight on the small blue Kokos, I see some sparkle which looks like it could be glinting gold. There's also green aventurine, so it's hard to sort the sparkle. :) But no distinct threads of gold and certainly no clumps. Just a faint sprinkling of what _might_ be tiny gold.
  10. Lovely ... they really are delightful marbles. Yeah, still not the one I was thinking of. Pretty sharp division on the ones I remember. I sorta remember them as maybe Vitros, but I also remember not being sure. Of course, I was pretty new when I had them. I probably wouldn't have let them go if I hadn't been so new to marbles.
  11. That is sheer awesomeness, Paul. And yours aren't too shabby either, Alan.
  12. Sammy's Mountain Marbles -- THICK lutz -- thank you, sun, for helping me with the top mib. (Thank you, Edna, for the eggs. )
  13. Doh! I forgot we were on metallic. *edits out my oxblood* I'll try to make it up tomorrow with some great lutz.
  14. Bud's post about aventurine reminded me of them. Many of the vanes of the ones I had were sparkly. Like they had salt crystals in them. I called it aventurine, but that wouldn't technically have been the right name. But first step is to find someone who remembers the existence of marbles with that vane arrangement. I promise I didn't make them up.
  15. Six vanes (I'm pretty sure). Three vanes in one color adjacent to each other. And three vanes in a second color adjacent to each other. I think it was six vanes. Could have been two and two. But it was definitely one color on one half of the marble and the other color on the other half of the marble. Not cross-throughs. I remember it as looking American-made.
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