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Everything posted by Steph

  1. This one looks sort of Jabo to me, which would mean made after 1990. If you're in part of your collection where that doesn't seem likely, then I dunno. Maybe Vitro?
  2. I'll guess Akro, due to size and single patch and long straight-ish seam. But I don't have a strong feeling about that.
  3. Going in a very different direction for me ... starting the Die Hard four-pack of films. Want to learn about why people get so excited whenever Hans Gruber is mentioned. P.s. Survivor finale tonight!
  4. The word "transitional" has ... um ... transitioned in how it is used. Mostly now I just see it for the Japanese marbles. Which may be from the 30's. Could be a little earlier. They haven't been pinned down as far as I know. Mostly the word "transitional" refers to a time between purely handmade marbles and purely machine-made marbles. As our understanding of marble history has grown the word has mostly been replaced by less general terms, but it seems to have stuck with the Japanese marbles. So, like the handgathered slags from the early American companies, these would presumably have been created by a worker dipping a punty into a glass pot and then turning the glob around to pick up that tail of glass ... and then somehow cutting it, and dropping it onto the rollers for machine rounding. But I don't know how the wrinkles got into the pontils. Maybe they did their work at a cooler temperature than American companies tended to use. So basically you have a Japanese slag, but we call it a transitional. P.s., the official name for American slags -- the name used back when -- was "onyx".
  5. Is that the same spot as the top picture? If so, that's a chip. Definite hit mark shape on the top picture. The orange color isn't right for oxblood, imho. Is it orange in hand, or is that a trick of the lighting? (Oxblood is not uncommon on aqua marbles.)
  6. You for sure have a 9 on the blue one. I think likely on the amber. The blue is what we call a Japanese Transitional. I'll go with American-made on the amber.
  7. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Best wishes to his family.
  8. Ooooh ... now we know what Bob does when he wants to kick his heels up
  9. Dang. Looks like a slag. Except that orange stripe. Don't know what to think about the orange.
  10. I had some K&M's on translucent white which I should have kept because I knew they were better than people were saying about 'em. Gone now. Sold 'em for way too cheap. Never had any on gray.
  11. Maybe this was their solution to getting complaints about miscategorized items.
  12. Steph

    Poetic License

    The lyrics to "All Those Years Ago" always make me sad. Should be making me sad for John Lennon. But they make me sad because there's one line in there that doesn't make sense! http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/georgeharrison/allthoseyearsago.html In this section: Deep in the darkest night I send out a prayer to you Now in the world of light Where the spirit free of the lies And all else that we despised. "Where the spirit free of the lies" .... he seems to be missing a word. I let it bother me. Also the word "weird" in the song makes it seem a little silly. I still love the song. Love George Harrison. Love the album. It's 99.9% good. Is just a little jarring.
  13. Gosh yes, what a great project. I can't add, but keep us updated. I often recognize the lack of data fleshing out what we know about the biggest and littlest of a manufacturer. E.g., it's nice to know that 1"-ers have been seen from some particular factory ... but what kinds of 1"-ers .... definitely not their entire line. Good luck with this.
  14. How fast does it travel? How does the length of the video compare with the time that it was in the air filming the video?
  15. Fun with drones! Amazing views.
  16. http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/peacock-feathers-florida/
  17. Glad Castle was cancelled. No, I didn't hate it. Just that the story was that if it returned for a new season, Stana Katic wouldn't be there. And the thought of Castle without Beckett was almost as bad as McMillan & Wife without Wife.
  18. The June 20, 1955 Sports Illustrated, with marbles from the collections of Sellers Peltier and Berry Pink ... and not all the marble names being ones we're familiar with .... s the 2nd page. Pics with captions. Interesting comments about the marbles -- from a 1955 perspective.
  19. The lie teller will falsely tell you that the truth teller will point in the false direction -- so you go the other direction. The truth teller will honestly tell you that the lie teller will point in the false direction -- so you go the other direction.
  20. Of course these boxes could be backfilled. But sometimes they're not. It's "early" for me this morning. Shouldn't have clicked yet. I can't remember if this is a box I have. Hopefully someone with more clarity of thought will have a comment. .... you don't have a pic of the contents do you?
  21. I don't recognize that frit pattern as Jabo. But then again, I don't recognize that frit pattern at all. -- not the colors. Not the sparsity of the frit. My guess would be foreign on each. More inclined to Asian than Mexican on the first, but agree with that general modern Vacor/Chinese category. But ???? on the second.
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