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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Wondered if it might be a Clown -- but I don't know the rules of Clownhood It's quite pretty and I can love it without a name.
  2. ... tried to find Galen's cracked open Bennington ... apparently I'm not looking in the right place
  3. German Melon Balls -- from this thread -- which has a lot more melon balls in it: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19060-very-large-handmade-german-melon-ball-marbles/
  4. Let's bump this one with some Akro Moonies ... even though this box doesn't show fish eyes .... a classic years old pic, I think from Running Rabbit.
  5. Box o' flinties Edit: apparently I like this box a LOT. I see that I've already posted it in the "good solids" thread and I didn't remember.
  6. The picture isn't coming through for me. Don't know if I'm alone. But here's the link I got to when I checked out the image address. https://www.instagram.com/p/BFIIdxpBLes/ (p.s., looking good)
  7. ... just in case you haven't realized ... having multiple examples of these classic styles -- such as the Blue Eggyolks, the Silver Oxbloods, the Spidermen -- is really special. (Also may have significant value monetarily -- at least into the hundreds for a total value -- assuming condition is good.) I didn't think about mentioning value when I started this post. Mostly I wanted to say again how awesome it is to have so many of these special marbles -- some people spend a long time finding even one example of all that you have.
  8. Shell, I see your smiley-face comment on this one, but I still don't see where I can comment. Maybe I'm just blind today. Sorry for any and all confusion I might be adding.
  9. Thanks for confirming, Jerry. .... yes, Shell, I guess it's talking about the map feature, which I had never heard of before. We only recently changed formats for the forum and I'm still learning my way around the new design.
  10. I'm still not seeing a place for comments. Also just now when I look at one of the images I see this over on the right side of the page, "This image is not currently being displayed to other users." I wonder if it's just you and I who can see them (me because I'm a mod). Do you have the album set to private?
  11. ... aw, I didn't mean to chase you away by being critical. Some of them we can easily tell with few clues. Sometimes we (or at least I!) need more details. With the "s"-s you might be describing a "lazy cork". One which was done on a cork machine but which didn't spin all the way around. Not Christmas Tree. At least I don't remember hearing Christmas Tree for Akros. Only for Pelts. (And I'm still getting an Akro feel here. )
  12. Does your camera have a Macro setting? One for close-ups -- maybe with an image of a flower? Three of the four of the first group appear to be Akro blue eggyolks. That's a desirable one from the Moss Agate family. Does the far left one in that group also have yellow? If no yellow then some collectors will call it an Ace. (Akro didn't call it Ace but collectors do.) In the middle picture, the one on the right is looking Akro. Is it a corkscrew or a patch?
  13. Assuming they're all Peltier -- and based on what I see so far that's what they look like -- count the variation as a cool thing. Peltiers can get a little wild. So it's fun to have a range of them.
  14. Yes, gorgeous oxbloods on top. Silver oxbloods and looks maybe yes a lemonade and a limeade. Have you checked the possible ades under blacklight? The yellow and reds are trickier. The patches could be Akro and/or Peltier. (Master also did some patches but I'm not getting that vibe at this time.) You have some with ribbons which could also be a mix of Akro and Peltier. With some possibility of other makers.
  15. A little blurry. Best to post fewer marbles per thread. Like maybe four. And have them positioned so it's easy to identify which ones we're talking about. I'll call these four rows. With the blurring and the single view, I'm not sure about the top row. The top middle may be an Akro corkscrew. More views could make me change my mind. In the second row, the left one is intriguing, but I'm not ready to make a guess. I think maybe Peltier Ketchup and Mustard on the middle, which is a special marble. And Akro Moss Agate on the right, which is a nice marble but more common than the Peltier -- if that's what the middle one is. (Check the moss agate under blacklight.) The third row may be two slags -- which are good. Not rare, but still a desirable marble category. On the bottom row, the left is a handmade German marble. Antique. And I can't tell what the one on the right might be. Can't see detail. The Akro would be from the 30's. The Peltier would be from 1930 give or take. The slags could be from between 1903 and 1930-ish. The handmade could be from late 1800's or early 1900's.
  16. Noticing your new additions to the gallery. I looked for a place to comment on the photos but didn't find one. Don't know if I'm confused or if it's missing. The cat's eyes could be from the 1950's or 1960's even. (Were introduced in America in the 1950's) I'm seeing some beautiful Akros from the 1930's and Peltiers from the late 1920's or early 1930's. And some slags which could be from 1903 to 1930-ish. And even though though solid color marbles aren't usually exciting, you have some I wouldn't mind seeing closer views of. From that time period they have interesting possibilities.
  17. Can't say that has ever happened ..... luckily I've always been here when I had marbles on the way. Worst I've had to worry about was what would happen if they stayed on my porch too long on one our subzero winter days ... and then when that happens I bring them into the house in stages ... leaving them in the cold foyer to warm them up gradually. Heh.
  18. Welcome, Shellkat! Mmmmm ... I see some pretty ones in your gallery shot!
  19. Thank you! So much color. Does the bottom have a name?
  20. Champion bags are VERY tricky. Those do not look like Champion marbles to me from what I can make out. I don't remember the details of the story but someone got hold of a lot of Champion packaging and a lot of Champion marbles. And so someone other than the factory backfilled a lot of Champion bags. Sometimes it's Champion marbles in the bags. Sometimes it's some other maker in the bags. Check out the bag and the description in this post: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6731-mostly-pix-champion-agates/?do=findComment&comment=86688 That's a neat sample -- really nice marbles. They weren't supposed to be in that particular bag but they were very cool. Usually you won't get so lucky with the misbagged marbles, so it's good to be cautious with Champion headers.
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