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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Classic. Your grandfather saved some really nice ones.
  2. I like. The backlit blue is a little eery but cool. Sorta space-y, or like an aquarium in a dark restaurant.
  3. Some people collect big and little versions of marbles. In pairs, ike 1" and 5/8" versions to keep together. You could get or make "coffin boxes" to store mini-collections with all the different sizes. BRB ... off to see if I can find a picture of a "coffin box". Edit -- here's one: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20809-mf-christensen-9-graduated-marbles-box-set
  4. What a nice group! She's hooked, guys.
  5. I'm wobbling again. Between Akro and Pelt. Ric, Caroline does have a lot of Pelts. Can't remember how many Akros. At least some. But I forget how many we've seen.
  6. Nice mathematical analysis. Upper bound and lower bound. We'll find him yet. Well how about that!
  7. Congratulations on achieving randomness! Cool pic.
  8. Red Lightning, you say? I guess a decision was made to come up with a G-rated name? Now I need to pull out the marble I have which Jerry's is reminding me of, and which I came to think of as a dug Akro. Wonder if it could have been Cairo instead.
  9. LOL. Yes, late night browsing. It's not anonymous on purpose. I can't seem to turn anonymous off. Interesting details you're giving. I did a little bit of leatherwork when I was young. I don't understand the technicalities of what you're saying, but I almost feel as if I get it. You're making it sound doable for any of us. Goodnight! Signing off now.
  10. Handsome bags! Very nice. Pretty cool how they stand up, too.
  11. Oooooohweeeee Now ... it could be reflections but it kinda looks like I can see light coming through the red, which would mean not oxblood. Well, at least the part which lets light through wouldn't be oxblood. I guess it's possible for there to be two kinds of red there, an oxblood part and a translucent part. But the first check would be to confirm whether light gets through the red.
  12. I'd guess both. But mostly the rattle. Not familiar with the lyrics.
  13. Thou shalt acknowledge the wonder. -- D. H. Lawrence Did we already have a quotable quotes thread. I searched and couldn't find. Now we do.
  14. Thanks, Charles. It's an answer. We were all dancing around it. So thank you for your assessment.
  15. Charles, would you call Ann's marble any particular name?
  16. That's different on so many levels. I don't even wanna say the O-word. But "Oh!"
  17. I would look up the chapter on Carpet Bowls and reproductions in my copy of Baumann's Collecting Antique Marbles. That was a new chapter added to the 4th edition if I recall correctly. But I'm in the process of packing everything up and I don't see it. Hope someone will be able to explain it well enough.
  18. Yes, probably spots from playing the game. Definitely machine-made. That type of marble -- the Akro corkscrew -- was introduced in 1930.
  19. Tale of woe .... In 2001, I decided to be dedicated about having an address book and dedicated to being organized, so I transferred most of my addresses into this nice little leatherbound book I got from a family member, and threw away the little scraps I had saved with the return addresses. And then ... because I kept the address book in a prominent position to remind me to write people ... it apparently fell off that prominent position and out of my life forever. I was devastated. I searched for weeks. That was shortly after I moved here and losing all those addresses cut me off from everyone. Now I have a box full of return addresses waiting ... waiting ... waiting to be transferred into my new, larger, unlosable, supposedly, address book.
  20. I am such a procrastinator. I finally mailed my Groundhog Day cards from 2002. Well, most of them. And only to the people whose names I got around to putting in my address book.
  21. When my grandfather was 65, he said he was gonna run a mile a day to stay fit. He is now 70. We have no idea where he is!
  22. Gumby made me laugh. But I waited for someone else to write LOL for me and it never happened. And now the picture has disappeared. But the "we're down for maintenance" GIF at photobucket is almost cute enough to make up for the inconvenience. *panicky thought about what would happen if photobucket permanently went down*
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