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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The lion shall lie down with the lamb, and the donkey shall lie in the hammock. I'm pretty sure that's in the scriptures somewhere.
  2. thank you kindly. I don't know! I only thought of it as a Sparkler.
  3. That's pretty funny ... and a cool find. Gotta think it's an oops. .... but don't take my word for it, that's just a guess from an intrigued bystander.
  4. The only modern guinea maker I know of is Wilganowski. Doesn't look like his, does it.
  5. I said "jobber", but those packets were exactly what I was picturing. The image flashed through my brain and then left so quickly that I had trouble being sure what I saw or translating it into words. Thanks, Al. I was sure you would have the answer.
  6. Interesting. I was unaware that watch time was factored into the stats.
  7. You have gotta have one of the most wonderful collections. One which is closest to capturing the awe that newbies often have about their common marbles before they learn to look for certain more valued types. Other people are trying to find representative samples of all the marbles types, and you're savoring all the interesting variations of one special style. (Translation: yes, those lines are cool. )
  8. Oh my! No, I can't remember one like that! What a wonderful marble.
  9. The first thought which flitted through my head was Vitro. .... or maybe the kind of bag you'd see in jobber packaging where the marbles came from Vitro. Al is the guy I'd ask about this.
  10. What Ric said. #3 That Akro is called a Moss Agate. #4. That Pelt is a "Patch" believe it or not. Pelt patches can get screwy. #1. That Pelt is called a "Rainbo".
  11. These are my puppies. I just lost the fellow on the left. Fellow on the right is going strong. When we move ... which is hopefully happening soon ... we'll surely add a new family member too. Thinking about a real puppy ... but then I think about having to take it outside multiple times everyday to do its business and realize I might not be cut out to be a dog person.
  12. Steve, that would be a good question to ask in a separate thread in the main chat forum. Can't remember offhand if we have collectors from Germany posting. We do have marble run makers from Germany posting, but not sure about marble collectors. If we do though, they're probably not checking the ID threads often. So a fresh thread with a clear title would be the best way to see.
  13. Pssst ... Galen ... "Tater" is their family nickname. Happy weekend to everyone. Especially the pups!
  14. Thanks for the pictures, folks! I'll try to get brave and get my own pictures. I especially want to capture the blue glow. Sometimes blue is like a lack of glow, but this blue that I have in mind is definitely light coming from the glass.
  15. Oh yes, I also had 0's. I would look for marbles which were so neutral that they stayed black in the dark under the blacklight. And I had a marble I called e-to-the-x ... it looked the same under blacklight as it did in normal light. Bonus points if you get the reason I called that e-to-the-x.
  16. Yeah .... I was kinda obsessed with getting them just so. Don't pay too much attention to the ramblings of a madwoman who assigned her blacklight marbles a grade of 1 to 7, with the possibility of getting a half grade such as 5.5.
  17. Kinda looks like something astronomical .... a giant spot on the surface of a planet in a picture taken with the Hubble telescope.
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