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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Actually, Bumblebee just sorta fill this thread up when he found this link: Liste des billes MEGA et VACOR But if anyone else wants to play .... especially with close-ups and specially pretty ones, and interesting variations, and interesting features ... welcome.
  2. These modern scenic chinas were made by someone named Flessa in Germany. I've actually heard three spellings of the name. Vlessa and Flesse also.
  3. Mostly Pix - " Fakes ", Reproductions, Fantasy, Etc.
  4. Green Glass Sulphide, 1.25" Made by Norbert Geitner of Lauscha, Germany. Some pix from the auctions of Geitner marbles: (click to enlarge)
  5. Here's a thread for examples: Mostly Pix - " Fakes ", Reproductions, Fantasy, Etc. Maybe after we have discussions like in this thread, the person with the marbles decided to be reproductions can add them to that thread. Could link back to the discussion if that would be helpful.
  6. Start with these coin sulphides: Norbert Geitner, Germany, circa 2004. A little less than an inch in diameter.
  7. This isn't for the marbles which newbies might mistake as old just from not knowing better, though helpful displays connected with that would be welcome. Right now I'm mostly thinking about Bulgarians or those scenic chinas or that eagle bennington or the Calfornia sulphides or those green sulphides reproduced by . Also Alox fantasy bags down on the lower dollar end. So those are some examples. Well, while I went searching for one of the sulphide examples I had in mind, I found this thread, Reproduction Marbles: Sulphides & More?. Which probably backs up Ron's concern about just having one thread on it and not a dedicated section. This kind of thread gets forgotten. Well, here's a new thread for samples. Hopefully the examples won't get buried in a bunch of discussion. Some discussion is okay. If there is a lot, I will probably break it off into a new thread, so we can hash things out and then post a summary here.
  8. I could run that by Lou. What would we call it? I could see us running into potential problems, with people threatening to sue Lou. Not saying no. Just first having trouble thinking about a name which wouldn't be insulting to contemps which don't pretend to be fakes or repros. And then thinking about what kind of mail Lou might get from ebayers threatening to shut him down if he (they'll make it personal) doesn't stop libelling him. Edit: And one more reason -- there has been concern that some people would use detailed threads like that to improve their handwork. Like repro ceramic painters learning how to do more convincing paint jobs. I think I will start a thread though while we think more about this.
  9. Steph


    Yup, lots of old pictures were used with new information, and vice versa. I started to make a post about how I thought those sizes would be different from standard American sizes. And then I saw the 00 in the photo and backed it up. I thought size 4 might take us to 1 inch or more, but now I'm not guessing anymore.
  10. Akro. Let's change the question to lazy cork or patch?
  11. I dedicate this thread to Bob since so many had such understandable trouble picking only three. Now no one needs to choose. Post 'em all. Mike Close flower on a leafy base
  12. A whole bunch of super marbles. But hidden? I'm not sure I'm seeing the right one.
  13. Steph


  14. Steph


    Wandering around my computer looking for a marble and I found this.
  15. Okay, I have two so far. A Superman And a naked razor ribbon ... like this here one of Lloyd's.
  16. Fantastic! I adore your custom cases. Brilliant is the word.
  17. Yes, that would be a fun project.
  18. Catwoman kidnapped the Joker!
  19. Thanks, Dan. Good job getting the images to post, Steve. The gallery is kinda cool when people figure out how to use it. And what a pretty marble. Sorry about the under the floorboard story. But the bling is awesome.
  20. Congrats on the successful posting. Glad someone was able to answer. I'm useless with handmades. But I'm pretty good at bumping until we get someone who can answer. Thanks Ron for helping out.
  21. I wonder what I could see in the photo if I made the browser background black and turned off the overhead light.
  22. Getting a little misty here. I'm not kidding. That's a prince among Alleys.
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