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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Oh. Doh. Was it Humpty who was pushed? I thought we were supposed to guess who Humpty just pushed. He looks like someone who is up for a little mayhem, doncha think?
  2. Hehe, I kinda sorta vaguely remember her not quite cutting it in My Three Sons either (though she had a three year run). I was old enough to appreciate the awkwardness of little kids brought onto a show when the regulars got too old to be cute. But she's three months younger than I am, so she was just my speed. She and Jodie Foster and Pamelyn Ferdin and Kim Richards and whoever it was who played Tabitha ... oh yeah Erin Murphy ... I was their demographic.
  3. Happy New Year, Hoody. It's still 2015 here in Wisconsin. 7:27 p.m.
  4. A pun, a play on words, and a limerick walk into a bar. No joke.
  5. Did you know that Dodie (Dawn Lyn) is Leif Garrett's sister? And she was the original Prudence in the Nanny and the Professor pilot.
  6. Jack and Jill? (That's very cute.)
  7. "brin" and "panache" Those are parts of fans. The brin is one of the radiating inner sticks of a paper folding fan. Still having a bit of trouble picturing which part of the fan is the "panache".
  8. I wrote MJK. The site is gone. Chinese hackers messed things up and it was too much to keep going.
  9. The outline on the onyx makes that one so sharp.
  10. Shiminy ... sorry for the delayed raves ... but that is niiiiice.
  11. This is different. http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/22551623/unusual-truckers-marble-coaster-set-/
  12. It's very pretty. Another which makes me wonder what its Akro name was, and then I say to myself, "shhh, just enjoy it." Went on a random marble ramble. This box from Morphy is a looker. From the Les Jones collection. More pix: http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/22551603/rare-akro-agate-complete-sample-box-set-/ I actually have a bunch of Kodak pics of marbles from his collection.
  13. Handmade bump .... a Morphy box .... wish it were mine .....
  14. Darn ... I didn't visit there often enough ... I guess others didn't either. I was in the mood for a random marble, so I thought I'd check it out and it's gone again. Well ... it's showing up as blank for me. Is it showing up as blank for you?
  15. Nice. Yesterday when I was listening to the coffee house episode, I realized we shouldn't be too surprised. He was a Mousketeer and those were some talented kids.
  16. Steph

    C A Cs, Anyone?

    Lovely pic. That bag and those marbles throw me back in time ...
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