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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Thanks. My knowledge is very slim. I don't recognize half of those abbreviations. I definitely underperformed in chemistry class.
  2. Post yours over here! So far I don't have loose marbles in that thread -- just links to other nice threads. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21465-mostly-pix-veiligglas/ Be sure to mention the size. 13/16" would actually be rather large for a Champion.
  3. Another good thread to pull in: 3 Nice Ones We talk about wirepulls so much, I was looking for a thread with more opaques in it and found some good ones there.
  4. I put my vote in over at LOM but I'll share here too. European swirl. Probably specifically Amsterdam. I'm actually quite sure about that one. Winnie is sort of the keeper of the Amsterdam swirls.
  5. A marble run maker who looks like he's situated in America. (Hey, I'm glad to learn we have marble run makers over here. ) http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21617-im-new-ive-created-this-new-marble-run/
  6. Maybe stop in to say hi to Pete and if anyone has useful ideas for him, all the better. Here's the link: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21622-diy-marble-dispenser-getting-stuck/
  7. Hi Pete. Welcome. I'm going to move this from the help forum to the marble run forum. The marble run makers might have some ideas for you. I'll also post a link in the main chat forum to see if anyone there wants to poke their head in and look at your challenge.
  8. Maybe a shopkeeper in the 1930's combined a nearly empty Moss Agate box with a partially-full Tri-Color box to save space.
  9. Well, there is a Vitro Tiger Eye on the left. Since it is a Tri-Color box, the patches with the white base and the two (or more) colored ribbons fit in the box. So yes, most of the current contents do belong. Could be that Moss Agates were put into the box at the factory for some odd reason, but they don't match the label. Tri-Color agates could also be three-color corks but obviously that's not your box.
  10. Cool. Nice find. You had a really good summer marblewise, didn't you.
  11. Shall ponder this awhile. I think Master on the bottom right. I kinda wanna say Akro on the bottom middle, but wanna simmer on that for a bit. Is the green ribbon transparent on that one? Would love to have others interrupt my ponderings with their ponderings.
  12. Serious nostalgia trip with that theme song. Also loved the song as a kid. The kind which made you feel hip and groovy and patriotically excited about being an American watching television at once.
  13. Thank you, Winnie! Thought it could help someone one. And fun to see your stash. Bob, no distinction. When the salesman box was first employed, there was a distinction between the marbles in those two compartments, but this is a box from the 1930's with what I think is a marble selection from the 1940's. And the 1940's people covered up the original labels and had to fill 'em with Akro's more limited selection. ... is how I think it went.
  14. You see a news headline about Popeyes and you're befuddled when you realize they're talking about chicken, not marbles.
  15. If I had actually learned the periodic table in the 1970's, how different would the present table look? How many new elements have been added since then?
  16. I used to have a folder full of pix of tri-color agate boxes. I couldn't get enough of 'em. But then one day I damaged the back-up disk with all my S folders and T folders on it. And all my beautiful Tri-Color Agates box pix were gone. *sniff* I have many back but not in a central location. This box pic came from George. And I'm sure I have more from him. Gotta gather 'em together. And if any of you have box pix I would love to see 'em. Or pix of individuals to show the details (and beauty ). Whether the patch or the cork kind ... I'm interested in both.
  17. Gonna start a separate thread JUST for Akro Tri-Color Agates. Here's what I'm starting it with. I once had a folder full of Tri-Color Agate box photos and I damaged the back-up disk and lost 'em all. I do have more boxes than this to show. This pic came from George and I have more than just this one from him. But I gotta gather 'em together.
  18. Steph


    As to my bump, I just thought everyone would be as delighted to see the cat again as I was.
  19. Steph


    Bump. Forgot what thread I put the psychedelic cat in.
  20. My problem with the noodles is that I start eating them when they're too hot. So by the time they get down to a good temperature for eating, I'm on my last bite. This time I let them cool while I did something else which I couldn't put off, so I was able to enjoy the bowl for longer. They did end up mushy, and had absorbed more than the usual amount of the spicy liquid (mama mia), but yum.
  21. I moved Ron's mystery peewee over to here so that maybe more people will notice and maybe someone will recognize it: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/21618-unusual-peewee-broken-off-from-peewee-thread
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