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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I agree with Akro on the left. On the right, the yellow and green part don't look Master to me. The red could be. I think Akro made the first 59% of it and then sent it over to Master to add the other 41%.
  2. It took me so long to come to terms with that type being Akro. But I finally accepted it.
  3. Steph

    Pelt Or Mk?

    What he said. Deep blue?
  4. Does the red and yellowish (and white) one in the first picture (second row from the top, near the black widows) have a name?
  5. My Marble King collection just got way more exotic. There might be some names I'm missing, but this will make my first Robin's Egg, pretty sure my first Blue Boys, my first Copperheads, and my second through fifth Black Widow. And some peewees I don't have examples of already.
  6. Steph

    Akro Ades

    "Tomato swirl" Learned that name today for the red Moss Agate cork/swirls which don't fluoresce.
  7. Peltiers. Probably have names. I don't know the names offhand.
  8. Could we have one view with more magnification?
  9. Coolness. Do you know what kind? What flavor of black is it? Black black? Purple black? Brown black?
  10. Do modern Champs get grandfathered in? Or do Champs have a dividing line based on age?
  11. I knew that wasn't all. Found four more boxes so far today. I love the collector's cases -- and the marbles of course. . Being able to see inside is great for me.
  12. If you can master one type, you can whittle down the unknowns. You do have a mixture of new and old. To me the ones on the top three rows here are a distinctive type. If you can pull out all the ones which you think look like this, you could give us a group shot and we could say yes or no to whether you let some other type slip in. And that would take a big bite out of your unknowns. (You have some of those in the photos above -- and also a golden version of that style.)
  13. He meant the Marble ID forum: http://marbleconnection.com/forum/22-marble-ids/ Best to start a new thread for each group. Less confusing that way. Ten marbles would be a lot for one thread, though sometimes manageable. Four times ten marbles is ... not as manageable. Always glad to help, of course.
  14. I don't know the number .... The question would be whether Bogard made opaque swirls. (or any swirls)
  15. What part is UV reactive? The white or the pink?
  16. Would like to see more of how the red ribbon(s) work their way to their ends. Is that hot pink? At that size I would not be inclined to pick Cairo -- also Cairo's "buttcrack" often looks like a shepherd's crook. I think not usually so very cheeky. So, with that shade and the size and the buttcrack, I'll guess Jabo unless more views change my mind. Maybe more views could turn it into a Pelt Rainbo.
  17. Pretty sure I would have gotten that one correct ... But I was an academic in a former life. Season 27 ????? You are ten seasons ahead of me since I just have the DVD's.
  18. You're welcome. Least I can do. Don't know about values.
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