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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Akro Corkscrew. 1930's. Put that one in the good pile. I'm not sure but it _might_ have a special name. It _might_ be called a "Blood and Bones". Don't take my word for that. Definitely wait until someone else confirms or contradicts. About the modern ones, mostly it means they have little value. However, Jabo classics such as yours are growing in value. So I recommend separating out the Jabo classics and putting them on ebay separately from the Asians. (Assuming ebay is the destination of any of these marbles.)
  2. Bob (kbobam) bought it and posted it for our enjoyment and I gushed over it and called it mine ... and next thing I knew it was in the mail. I keep it here at my desk.
  3. Steph

    Pelt Patches

    Looks like one to me also. I hope it is one. And thank you.
  4. Agree on the first two being newer. I think the first could be Asian. The second is Jabo. Both would be modern. And agree about the last possibly being an Akro cork but also more pictures of that one would be nice to try to be sure.
  5. Steph

    Pelt Patches

    To be more specific about my main interest here ... anyone know about transparent-based pelt patches?
  6. Thanks for the report! And the pictures of your haul!
  7. The shore of Lake Winona. If I find the photographer's name, I'll add it.
  8. I don't see Pelt. Interesting base -- a little Akro-y. The structure, and the brown ribbon, still look Imperial to me.
  9. I have/had some pretty ones which I seem to recall were translucent, but with a clear area on the side. I don't remember the colors except that they were understated and lovely. Wonder if I still have any ....
  10. I have so many gift marbles, it's hard to think of them all or to single one out. Oh heck ... no ... if it's just one marble, this is it: So don't bother offering me millions. It's not for sale.
  11. no idea My full box was maybe $150 -- or was it $250 -- way back when but things change so much.
  12. It looks right to me. I had a box about 10 years ago. Was in good shape. Wasn't too rare.
  13. You can tell a marble collector .... but you can't tell him much. ^^ example of a paraprosdokian
  14. I don't know! I _think_ so ... maybe as long as the ribbons touch? Does everyone require baseball ribbons to touch? Or come close? (Some people don't require blue ribbons.)
  15. I don't know much about sulphides. Do you have a handheld blacklight? If I understand correctly, old sulphides will fluoresce and new ones won't. (Can someone confirm? Am I overgeneralizing?)
  16. Let's take this to the main forum to get more looks.
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