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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hi Bob, you're right about the ID. I think they were made this century. But maybe they're as old as the 1990's.
  2. I want my calligraphies to be opaque. Do you know if that's part of the standard interpretation?
  3. I don't know exactly what a calligraphy is either! If you don't know, we can let that pass.
  4. Not so subtle purple! How many of those would you call "calligraphy"?
  5. Any guess of maker? I wanna guess CAC because of the coverage. Am I just making that up?
  6. I never would have guessed! Yes, it's a beaut.
  7. How does it roll? From the pictures it doesn't look like it would roll very well. Could it have been made for decoration and not play?
  8. They have/had items for sale in many categories. Toys don't seem to be their strong suit. They listed the marble lot four other times in recent weeks. Maybe your note will let them know that they're not likely to get the figure they hope for them.
  9. I think those are some Budweisers among the Jabos. So, yeah, those are cool. A few of the cat eyes are older. And along with the "semi translucent white and red" ones that you mention, there is also a vintage Marble King, maybe two. I wouldn't assume malice on their part.
  10. I'll say swirl. Not messed up cork. Interesting to have both ends of the stream together like that. No guess for maker.
  11. Like a Painted Desert scene
  12. Real ones. Paxwax is "the strong tendon in the neck of animals". So it sounds more interesting than it is. Sonneteer could mean someone who writes sonnets or it could mean a minor or insignificant poet. I was playing Scrabble on the computer and had lots of E's and N's. So I plugged that in as a joke and was surprised to see it worded. That amused me. I'm easy to amuse.
  13. I say "better you than me" to anyone who wants to play around with the big bugs. I'm okay with crickets and grasshoppers and roly polies. Okay, maybe a few others. But mostly bug people can enjoy themselves far away from me.
  14. Code? Whose code? Galen's? If you mean me, I'm just posting words which I came across during the day which interested me.
  15. That's a nice bag. Congratulations. If you're thinking of collecting and not just selling, that's one to hang onto.
  16. I tried to convince my husband to wear his pants inside out to work today in honor of the occasion. He wouldn't do it. Peltier Rainbo on the middle. I think Alley for #1 and #3.
  17. What is a word with 4 letters, yet is written with 3. Although is written with 8, rarely with 6, and never with 5.
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