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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Now I have a James Taylor song stuck in my head. And it doesn't fit! ("deep greens and blues") But I like the name anyway.
  2. Yes, probably the red adds to the effect. And definitely Acme Realer. You captured some of the grain in your photos.
  3. Yes, that's the word I was looking for.
  4. Looks a little tropical ... but fierce.
  5. Me too! Half classic and half blended.
  6. By structure I'd like it to be Cairo but it doesn't look familiar all ... well, except for maybe the shade of your shooter here which you thought might be Cairo and then it was ID-ed as Champion. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6731-mostly-pix-champion-agates/?p=188642 That shade is very puzzling to me. I feel like we're taking stabs in the dark. If anyone has the light, I would love to learn more.
  7. The base is reactive? *off to get my swirls and my blacklight*
  8. Nice contrast. Nice blue shade. Photogenic. Need someone to lob me an easy one.
  9. Mist of bubbles? That's one I don't know the company name for.
  10. Wonderful piece of history. So nice to know the details. Yea, Marie!
  11. Could the top left one be Anacortes?
  12. Thanks for the Halloween bumps. Pelt?
  13. Did they really try to make the V's on purpose? (Pretty sure I heard someone say so.) Or was it a happy coincidence?
  14. I definitely heard of it. I can't remember when. It feels like it was a long time ago.
  15. The English title is "The Man with the Golden Gun". So it's very very close.
  16. Steph

    New Akro

    http://www.ebay.com/sch/lutz8/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1 A few years ago a repro company reregistered the Akro trademark. In their trademark application they showed a repro box which you wouldn't want to see flood the market. So, whether lutz8 is with those guys or whether lutz8's group bought the trademark from those guys, I take heart in them selling contemps in an open manner instead of repros.
  17. Great looking work. Whoever the lucky recipients are, I'm sure they treasure them.
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