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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Almost 100%. Getting a little bit trickier since I see a few not quite the same types stuck in there on the bottom. I think you're pretty safe. The one I'd like to see another photo of is the yellow with the red loop on the bottom. . The red loop probably means newer, but I'd still like to see more views of it. But all the speckles. And the irridescent ones ... yeah modern. ..... if they're irridescent with a banana inside, that _might_ be worth a little more.
  2. So beautiful. It brings things home when it's confused with modern.
  3. Can you lock a revolving door?
  4. I'm trying to think of one but my brain doesn't feel twisty today.
  5. That was immense. Seemed like a lot more than 400 ft. What a fascinating business you have turned this into.
  6. lol Sorry, that one has an answer -- Coz the best clairvoyants will have lots of clients trying to see them, so clients need to know when it's their turn.
  7. I'm seeing all three as West Virginia Swirls. So all three as vintage. I think #1 and #2 are Alley Agates. (I feel pretty confident about that.) I'm wondering if #3 could be a Ravenswood, but Alley also seems a possibility. So I'll play it safe and just say WV Swirl on that one.
  8. I saw a headline which said, NHL 15/16 ... and I looked forward to seeing the big Pelt ... even though the person spelled NLR wrong.
  9. Some subtle purple (Courtesy of Letitia)
  10. That one on the left is a special style to me. Is it named?
  11. "color blind moron"? This thread calmed down. Please don't come here and call names. That makes it look like you have an agenda yourself. I would have trouble distinguishing some of them from vintage, at least in a photograph. Thank you everyone for your participation in this thread. It is probably time to close it.
  12. This marble is/was sometimes called a Champion Jr. (photo from LOM) Some of the collectors who use(d) the Champ Jr. name use(d) it for a wider variety of Rainbos, not just the dark ones with white and yellow/orange ribbons. I was fond of the name at one point ... but to be honest it was probably mostly because Galen didn't like it. Someone asked about it on facebook so I decided to go ahead and post it here also.
  13. Wowzer. Oooh, trying to find the right way to praise the one on the right. So nice. And when I find the right word for that one, I'll start looking for the right word for the bottom one.
  14. Interesting to see the blues next to the greens. Are the blues unusual? I don't remember seeing them featured.
  15. Will do! Shared in four facebook groups.
  16. ... the tune is so happy even and of course I don't understand any of the words. After only hearing it a few times I hum along with it ... I almost feel as if I could learn the words soon. And it is interesting to learn about how the internet works in other parts of the world.
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