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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Ric? Are you out there? Ron?
  2. The creators of one of the shows I watch on DVD -- I think it was the Simpsons -- said they'd often put in product names and hope they got positive feedback about it later. Maybe it was Psych. Wasn't anything they needed to clear apparently. Or anything anyone paid for. And sometimes they got a token of gratitude and sometimes they didn't. So maybe Wawa did pay for the product placement or give permission, but hard to say.
  3. The thumbnails do make them look like kin.
  4. I support calling it a snotty even without knowing who made it. I'm getting better at opaque swirls but am nowhere near brave enough to try transparent swirls.
  5. You have to know how much I appreciate you enriching this thread.
  6. Neato. Great keepsake. What size are they?
  7. Steph


    I'm getting a more "frosty" impression than "chalky". Like one which was intentionally altered with acid or accidentally altered by having it in a fishtank.
  8. Thank you. I did not know Shaun the Sheep. I watched a little Wallace and Gromit, but not enough to know about Shaun.
  9. What a handsome marble.
  10. Hi Sara. Thank you for sharing Ellen's work. That's a beautiful twist on the gift of marbles.
  11. Next poster U. S. Marble Company Time Lines & Connections This one came with multiple parts, including a table listing who designed or built the machines for each company. Let's try out the gallery links to see how those work: Sorry my pictures are dark -- which you might not have noticed if I hadn't said. I need to learn how to use software to brighten them.
  12. Steph

    Paranoia Pt. 2

    Don't forget to take your Soma.
  13. I thought about posting the Laura Nyro version. But Barbra is the one I learned to sing along to.
  14. Almost certainly a repeat. Hey, I like it a lot.
  15. pretty even if they're common styles. I do love clearies.
  16. p.s., Who knew dirt could be so exciting?
  17. This didn't say "keeperthread" yet. Now it says keeperthread.
  18. Steph

    Swirl For Id

    Mine is pure cullet. Much darker green. Bought 'em as part of a dug lot from Brian Ice. Steve Ice says he dug lots of swirls at Akro sites and showed some opaques in an Akro-related bag which I gathered were representative of what he found digging. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/18252-akro-swirl/
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