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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here's the 1945 magazine with the great Ravenswood article in it: (Text of the article is in the thumbnails here: 1945.)
  2. Random Ravenswood photo. Pulled one out and took a pic of it last night for another purpose, so here it is today for this thread.
  3. Bring over a friend with a camera!!!!!! Bribe him or her with something if needed!!!!!!
  4. Steph

    Akro Ades

    Poo ... the thumbnail is not opening for me. I'm not sure what a cherry ade or orange ade is though. So hopefully someone else can answer.
  5. LOL @ "mibochondriac". If that's not a word, it should be. heh
  6. What makes you think dug? And is that oxblood inside there? No particular thoughts on this end other than "clearies with an extra something".
  7. Steph

    Akro Ades

    Here are two different Blueberries from a previous discussion. Both marbles sold by Marblealan. This was called a Blueberry Ade: This was called a Blueberry Limeade: The Blueberry Limeades were said to be more common than the Blueberry Ades.
  8. Posted elsewhere tonight so probably should post it here also while I'm in the neighborhood: I think this is from the 1950's. Found in AMMM.
  9. *now off to post that brochure in the Master pix thread*
  10. I think Unique is now supposed by some reliable people to be a later name for Tri-Color Agates. This is from AMMM. I don't see a date but I think it's from the 1950's. Maybe I can nail that down later. But it's evidence for Heroes and Uniques being later names. And that brings me back to the mystery of when the birds sometimes found in those boxes were made.
  11. That is what the texts said when I first started collecting. But I think that information is dated. Possibly based on limited boxes being available at the time. Sort of like how (I presume) it was lack of many boxes and ads being available at the time which allowed the name "Special" to get stuck to three-color corks. Part of the info I'll be trying to gather together from George will be his conclusions about Hero and Unique being later names for Royals and some other patch. I should have gone to find it before I posted, but I often do things backward. Make the post and then it gives me the incentive to hunt for the extra info. Now you've got me wondering about the birds. When where they made? In the texts from back when, I seem to recall Heroes and Uniques being thought of as "early". But I tend to agree with George about them being later. Some evidence for them being later is the names showing up in a later Master advertisement ... which I will now scan.
  12. Steph

    Akro Ades

    What are the different marbles which collectors have tagged as Ades? Lemonade and Limeade of course. Then Cherry Ade and Blueberry Ade. And is there an Orange Ade? Edit: There may be both Blueberry Ades and Blueberry Limeades. Are there any other Ades?
  13. LOL ... now I want to talk/ask about all the different marbles collectors call Ades, but I'm going to start a different thread on that.
  14. For some reason I'm also thinking Blueberry on Jenn's marble.
  15. For collectors typically Ades will glow. But I'm not sure if all the different marbles tagged with some variation of the Ade name glow.
  16. Many marbles were sold in Imperial packaging. And Akro advertising also described Moss Agates as having exquisite patterns. There were different styles of Moss Agates. Original Imperials:
  17. Steph

    Local Language

    "ed" doesn't sound odd, but good chance I'd say "ing" if I weren't thinking about it now I'm thinking too hard about it to know what I'd say
  18. Oh that's gorgeous. And not a popeye. And yes to hybrid. I think Akro would have created it as a Moss Agate. And collectors might call it an Ace. And this is where I put my standard reminder that for Akro, the Moss Agate was the top of their line. One of their most expensive marbles. Not even a little bit boring like some people might think the patch-style Moss Agates are.
  19. Hmmmmm. What size are we looking at? For an American-made marble, to me the pattern looks most like an Akro Royal. However, I'm getting a slightly different vibe here and wonder if it might be a foreign marble. I could be out in left field but I'm sorta thinking vintage Japanese? Maybe? Hopefully someone will rein me in if I'm too far out with this.
  20. Akro Unique Agates box set http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/20887891/akro-agate-no--00-unique-agates-box-set- Clearly those are Royals, but I'm pretty sure they would also have been sold in a box like this. I need to pull out the information George Sourlis has sent me on Heroes and Uniques.
  21. Dayang! P.s., thanks for the note about the auction. I managed to miss that one entirely. Updating links to past auctions now ....
  22. ??? Mid-whiffle was one of the words at Galen's link. Edit: Ha! ..... I got it! ....... another delayed reaction from me ......
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