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Everything posted by Steph

  1. thanks for the history lesson appropriate for a 4th of July weekend
  2. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/449867450254146837/
  3. Steph

    Help Please

    Other than being an interesting minimalistic bulletmold? I'll guess Czech and old-ish.
  4. http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/image/4490-onionskinlobedgp2-332mint1535/
  5. It keeps growing when I'm not looking http://marbleconnection.com/gallery/category/2-members-gallery/?st=40
  6. My contribution: Circa late 50's
  7. Steph


    nice detail gorgeous marble
  8. Steph

    What's It?

    Gotta say Imperial. What beautiful coloring.
  9. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
  10. Wonder if I can find one of those ends which looks like a 4 instead of a 9 ......
  11. Steph


    Thanks bunches!
  12. The one on the left looks old. And I see why you think it looks different. I remember discussion about Akro "9"s not looking so much like 9's. Maybe more like 4's sometimes? I definitely see why you might think Akro here:
  13. Steph


    Yes, anything that the marble books might call a pontil and the new collectors would be hoping to find on their marbles.
  14. Thanks. I'm having fun. Hope you are. Don't wear yourself out. Have a good evening.
  15. #5 is looking like a Vitro Conqueror which may have spent some time in a fishbowl, giving it a matte surface. #2 is looking sort of Vitro-y to me but I'm hoping for a second opinion
  16. I bet they are. This is a crash course. 12 different ones is a lot for one thread. Even experienced eyes get tired. I'll give 'em a shot. I'm only about half done but hitting enter now to save. Will keep looking at the other marbles and may fill in some more blanks. [Edit: Okay, I've made all my guesses now.] 1. I think this is a Vitro. 2. More views, please. 3. Marble King Rainbow (Note the MK Rainbow is spelled with a "w" on the end, while a Pelt Rainbo is spelled without the "w" ) 4. Strange Marble King? 5. I do not know. More views might help. 6. Peltier Rainbo 7. Peltier Banana (a type of cat's eye) (there are non-Peltier bananas also so I won't 100% say this one is Pelt but put your bananas together for awhile and treat them as Pelts) 8. Master Marble. Might be called a Sunburst. 9. Vitro Tiger Eye 10. Peltier Rainbo 11. West Virginia swirl 12. West Virginia swirl? (I'm not sure this one is vintage. If newer, then I'd say Jabo.)
  17. I started a thread to try to get some pontil photos gathered in one place so you and other new collectors can have something to compare to. Nothing there yet, but peek in a little later. http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20970-pontils/
  18. Steph


    Do we have a good thread all about pontils? I haven't updated my links in awhile. Anyone want to take a shot at photographing pontils to post here? Fancy ones are cool. But standard ones would be good too. So we can show this thread to new collectors so they can know what to look for. Not everything has to be close-ups. Showing the whole marble would be good too so that folks know what kinds of marbles they're likely to see pontils on.
  19. The surface is odd on this one. Can't see clearly inside, but what I do see looks like that could be cat's eye vanes. Again, no pontils. I think chips.
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