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Everything posted by Steph

  1. More views please (and a little larger if possible). I think you're on the right track with the middle two. Some would not call it an Indian Blanket because they would say it has the wrong pattern. However, many would agree that it is an Indian Blanket. In this view, the left marble looks like a Vacor -- a newer marble, from Mexico.
  2. The glass looks older to me. But I don't have a good guess. (The thin red ribbon looks like something I've seen on Alleys -- so that's part of why it looks older to me.)
  3. It was perfect! I shared it on Facebook. ♥
  4. Here's a link. http://www.ebay.com/itm/171864757729
  5. Thanks, Ron. Champions make more sense now with the Alleys removed from the mix. A lot of commonality in the pictures you showed. A softness in the swirls. keeperthread
  6. Thanks, everyone. I do take comfort in Brother knowing he was loved. He showed to the very end how much he trusted us and loved us back. ♥
  7. Only in the Southern Hemisphere? My husband came home a couple of nights ago and said there was something particularly bright above the moon. I guess it could have just been one of the usual planets but he doesn't usually find those remarkable enough to comment on. I didn't get to see it. When I went out, I couldn't even find the moon. Not sure where in town hubby was when he saw it. Guess it wasn't at our house.
  8. My buddy is gone. He ate well yesterday. Then he slept between us last night. We slept lightly to see if he needed anything. He had a heart attack while using the litter box this morning. He lasted long enough for me to call my husband in. Hubby said a beautiful goodbye. But we've really been saying goodbye for several days now. Now only two cats to spoil -- except they're going on a diet to trim what they put on eating all those leftovers.
  9. Pretty area. Could think of worse places to be on a hot summer day. How concentrated are the marbles? Looks out of the way. How do people discover where to dig? Just random until they hit a vein?
  10. So the three closest to the left are the ones which stay in the Champion tray ....
  11. I'm not sure which year. I could probably find out. . The care package you sent actually had a lot of Pennsboro Alleys, including some tater bugs and chalkies. And then it baggies with smaller amounts labeled Ravenswood, Jackson, Heaton, Cairo Novelty and Champion. From 10 to 15 in each of those baggies. Found the date! It was October 2008. Searched my email for "chalkies" and there it was.
  12. My mother was. And her college friends. Consciousness of that is always wrapped up in my viewing of R&B.
  13. You sent me the marbles in the ring. You labeled them Champion at the time. I was pretty sure you dug them. Does this mean that they were part of the Alley marbles which Champion kept on hand? Is this part of the new information coming out?
  14. https://www.youtube.com/user/WhatsMyLineCBS
  15. I do have a green and white. The image on your post is small and mine is a scan so I don't know how close they are.
  16. Thank you for sharing the news with us, Roy. So many people lost. Condolences to his family.
  17. Translucent? Frosted? Wider than a quarter? Best guess with this view is Vacor -- made in Mexico in this century.
  18. But an Imperial with a pigtail is a pretty cool beast.
  19. My TV viewing habits are very retro. The 50's rule.
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