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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Happy summer camp memories
  2. Come play over here awhile: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20922-peltier-specials/
  3. More photos showing the cutlines and ribbon structure might still be helpful. That kinda looks like oxblood to me which pushes me away from Peltier. Of course you didn't say oxblood, Nancy, so maybe I'm reaching. Still I've been trying to count ribbons and so far don't see enough.
  4. Thanks, flyball. I'm gonna move it from the study hall out into the main forum for a while and ask folks to add names of new artists who may have hit the scene in the last four years. *moved* Edna, you reading?
  5. I watch Survivor too, but I don't feel as guilty about that!
  6. I think the Alley name is also a collector name. Right, Bill?
  7. There is also a Pelt rainbo called an Inky by collectors.
  8. I'd go with "eggyolk" on the blue one. Maybe more than average white in with it. Still looks like what collectors call "Ace". Not Ade. The smaller three may not be moss agate family. The two yellow patches look like they could turn out to be Peltier. And the yellow and green could be something else like a tri-color agate instead of a moss.
  9. And an ordinary, worn cat eye in there for good measure. And a strange brown ball with flat spots and dots?
  10. http://www.ebay.com/itm/161739004342 LOTS of interesting pictures there. I can't pick just one. Check out some of the wear, and the marble half.
  11. vintage container of marbles = old tin with new marbles
  12. Not a fan of softballs, eh? The only blanket answer I can give is "experience". Given any two marbles from different makers I might be able to usefully describe their differences in a way which could translate to other IDs. But no set of rules from scratch. And nothing near comprehensive. So many exceptions to any rule.
  13. That was some serious time-tripping ....
  14. Censored sky? Kinda hard to believe. Would scientists really keep quiet about something like that if it were real?
  15. At that size? No idea. Did Vacor do yummy, silky solids?
  16. Here's a list which some folks helped generate at Glass Addiction in 2008. The last major update was in 2011. Please let me know names to add. [updates have now been made from posts below.] A R. G. Adams Bashi Ale James Alloway John Alstrup Dan Ambrose Erik Anders JD Anderson Pamela Anderson Ray Anderson Cory Anderson (Winlock Marbles) Rodney Andrew Christian Arnold Stanfort Apsellof Ian Arremony Philip Chester Arthur David Atkinson (Zero Gravity) B Bob Badtram Jonathan Baker Keith Baker Ben Barocas Nick Bartlett Mike Barton Becky Baxter Derek Beaumont Kaj Beck Dave Becker Geoffrey Beetem Troy Bennett Dan Benway Laura Berretti Harry Besett Wendy Besett Jeremy Bizzano Brendan Blake Anton Bodor Sabina Boehm Brad Boer Jim Boles Josh Bonazza Cheryl Bott Colby J. Boyd Harry Boyer Kathleen Boyer Brad Brandolino (Anakin) Bruce Breslow John Bridges Brishon Andrew Brown Robert Brown Tod Brown Keith Bryan Jeff Buchs Kevin Bumble William Burchfield (Cape Cod Glass) Blake Burgess Terry Burke Al Burkhart Randall Burnett Ben Burton Jim Burton C Rick Caffrey Cape Cod Glass Mark Capel Jerry Capel (Mark's dad) Chris Carlson Harvey Carlton David Carpenter Erin Cartee Richard Carter Shane Caswell Larry Cazes Curtis Cecil Thomas Chapman Deanna Chase Greg Chase Chicago Stained & Art Glass Roger Child Brett Christian July Christie Richard Clark Sean Clayton Richard Clements Mike Close Alan Cobb Christina Cody Steven Cohen Gerry Colman Jason Compagni Teri Conklin Jim Cooprider Amber Cottrill Francis Coupal Terry Crider Joe Crisanti Herb Cronin C. Crozford Jared Csakany (Gordman Glass) D Cary Dale (Snail) Robert Dane Dale Danowski James Daschbach Andy Davis Delila Davis Jim Davis Joe Davis John Davis Mark Davis Mike Davis Rick Davis Steve Davis John Deacons (from Scotland) Jared DeLong Jamie Del Saens Jesse DeMoss John de Muehls Christopher Delp Lucy Derickson Zac Desimone Shanti Devi (Kaimana Glass) Jeremy Dimig Lynn Dinning Norrine Drawsky Graham Driver-Schroder Maddox Du Ross Dunning Jes Durfee E Mike Edmondson Kevin Engelmann (Queen City Lampworks) Matt Eskuche F Karen Federici Rich Federici Douglas Ferguson Melissa Ferguson Aaron Ferrani Jody Fine Carl Fisher Keegan Fitzgerald Suellen Fowler John French Drew Fritts G Victor Gaenzel Ryan Gabel Dusty Gamble (Souvenirs From the Mother Ship) Mike Gardner William Wood Garner Gavin Gee Ashley Genovini (formerly Ashley Galaites) John Gentile (Gentile Glass) Dudley Giberson Charles Gibson Matt Gieseler (Eugene Rain) Misha Gieseler (Eugene Rain) John Gilvey Glass Eye Studio Glass Monkey Art Studio Aaron Golbert (Marbleslinger) Jonathan Golbert (Pakoh) Mike Gong Ray Goodenough Brent Graber Adam Grafuis Brian Graham Josh Grant Mike Grau Andy Gregorich Ralf Greiner-Adam Jeffrey Grey Andrew Groner Bill Grout (Aspen Hot Glass) D. Gruenig Dan Grumbling Guanacaste Glassworks H Stephan Hagstrom Jack Hahn Constance Hall Trent Hall Mark Hamilton (cremation memories) Don Hamon Robert Hamon Josh Hamra Krista Hanny Michael Hansen (California Glass) Jack Hanshaw Steve Harrington K.D. Harris Doug Harroun Jim Hart Ayako Hattori Gavin Heath Bronwen Heilman Jurgen Heintz Craig Hellemond Clifford Henderson Jason Herring Roy Hicks (Gremlin) Shannon Hill Ron Hinkles Steve Hitt Greg Hoglin Sam Hogue Emmett Hollander Jason Holley Richard Charles Hollingshead II Jim Holmes (Chatham Glass) James Hold Jesse Hooper Chris Howard Jason Howard Scott Hronich-Pernicka Jessica Hughes Leonardo Huete Dinah Hulet Dick Huss Randel Hutchinson Caitlan Hyde I Kevin Ivey J Jahfree Marco Jerman Masataka Joei David Johnson Elizabeth Johnston Dennis Jones Zachary Jorgenson Chris Juedemann Lissa Juedemann Joshuah Justice K Paul Katherman Aimee Katherman-LePri Jerry Kelly Perry Kenin Brian Kerkvliet (Gossamer Glass) Jason Keys Tim Keyzers Shigeyuki Kimura Brian King Jim King Bryan Kitson Randy Knapp Ernie Kober John Kobuki Raj Kommineni Yoshinori Kondo James and Nontas Kontes John Koutsouros Marc Kornbluh Harry Kravet Cautro Kruse Sudhir Kumar L Robert LaGrand Vee and Shauna Lamb (Lambs Creations, Verald Lamb) Land of the Sky Glassworks Jay Lantz Ray Laubs Fritz Lauensetein Ryan Lay Andrew Lazenby Linh Le Herman Leonhardt Kevin Leopold Brandon Lerma Ethan Lesch Ken Leslie Todd Lewis Robert Lichtman Bill Liebbe Jacob Lien Robert Livezey (Stardust Glass Studio) Traci Loche Jonathan Lopez Joe Lovell Steven Lundberg (Lundberg Studios) M Bryce Majors Michael Mangiafico Adam Manlove Richard Marquis Brent Marshall Steven Maslach (Cuneo Furnace) Wiebke Matthes (Germany) Mark Matthews David Grant Maul Eli Mazet Josh Mazet Tim Mazet Dena McBride John McCormick Wayne McDermott Nadine McDonald Jason McGhee Phil McGlothlin Chris 'Nucleus' McKaughan Don McKinney (CBS) Lance McRorie Jeff Mentuck Jennifer Menzies Wil Menzies Shawn Messenger Scott Meyer Jeff Meyers Calvin Mickle Nathan Miers Boyd Miller John Hamon Miller Sonny Miller (father of Boyd and John) James Mills Jordy Minnick Darin Mitchell Robin Moore Ben Moreau Cindy Morgan Gail Morgan (Captain) Dustin Morrell Jason Morrissey Brian Mortensen Ernesto Mosimann (Switzerland) Mike Mount Scott Mueller Bill Murray Ed Muscat Takao Myake Brian Myers Linda Myers N Jonathon Nagy Kevin Nail Shell Neisler Eric Nelson Ron Nepstad Laurie Nessel Shannon Norris James Nowak O Obermartin Studios George O'Grady Kevin O'Grady Wakana Ogura Akihiro Ohkama Yoshio Omura Ryo Ono Open Fire Studios Orb Glassworks Jim O'Shea Bradley Osman Ken Ostrow David Owen-Norton P Nina Paladino (California Glass) Steve Parent Jerry Park Kris Parke Danny Parker Fulton 'Tony' Parker Seth Parks Roger Parramore Adam Parsley Casey Patricio Scott Patrick Andy Paulison George Pavliscak Brad Pearson Amber Pellegrini Penland School of Crafts Steve Pennington (Ebony) Scott Pernica Gregg Pessman Aline Peterson Michael Petura Kristen Pickett (Gypsea) Jay Pilz Stephan Pope Bryan Potter Matt Potter Chuck Pound Julia Powell Bob Powers Josh Powers Eric J. Price Scott Price Martha Proctor Ro Purser Pyro Art Glass Q Brad Quintana R Gateson Recko Robert Reeder Doug Remschneider Chris Rice Joe Rice (House of Glass) Jackie Rice (Koba - maiden) Cathy Richardson Dennis Richardson Johnny Rise Robberglass Wayne Robbins Andrew Roberts John "Chico" Roberts T. C. Robertson Christopher Robinson Liz Root Chris Roscoe David Rosenfeldt (Shipwrecked) Debbie Rosenfeldt (Shipwrecked) Scott Rosinski Fred Rossi Jeff Rossi (Studio Sgobarre) Alan Ruf Jamie Ruggerio Jason Ryner S Josh Sable Liz Sabol Kevin Saens Daisuke Saito David Salazar Joe Schlemmer (Mad Man Marbles) Kelly Schmidt Marni Schnapper Don Schneider Ken Schneidereit Eli Schwartz Remy Schwartz Wayne Scott Bobbie Seese Eddie Seese Greg Seitz Nikki Servine Luken Sheafe Rich Shelby Ryan Shiel Justin Shore Zariel Shore Josh Simpson Jeremy Sinkus W. Skinner Stan Skipper (Starroots Glass Design) Aaron Slater Smitty Smith Kevin Smolark Geoff Sneison Paul Snell Dee Snell (Grandma) Craig Snider Bob Snodgrass Nate Snyder Jesse Solomon Devin Somerville Rod Sounik Jerry Spangler Chuck Stafford Joe St. Clair Paul Stankard Clint Stenger Paul Stephan Bo Stiff Gloine Stokes Dave Strobel Randy Strong Calvin Sugita (Raz) Dan Sweeney Douglas Sweet Jamie Del Synes Sam Sypolt (Glass Bay Studios) T Jesse Taj John H Talmage John K Talmage Teign Valley Glass James Thingwold Cliff Thomas Jennifer Thomas (Studio Sgobarre) Tom Thornburgh Stephen Thorpe Kenan Tiemeyer Steve Tillman Andrew Tischler Tony and Virginia Wilson Toccalino Beth Tomasello Robert & Shirley Topp (Is this R. S. Topp?) Bill Tow Milon Townsend Chad Trent Daniel Trilli Bruce Troeh Bradley Tubbs Brice Turnbull Howard Turner U Arturo Ulloa V Karla Van Wagner Kara VanWyk John Vinson Filip Vogelpohl Florin Voicu Nick Voorhees Vortex Glassworks W Genie Wald Rolf Wald Jane Walker Mike Wallace Mike Warren Tim Waugh Ed Weaver Shawn Weaver Gene Weber Travis Weber Andrew Weill Randy Weisser Aaron West Misha Whisenand Derek White Keysha Whitsel Ryan Wilder Fred Wilganowski Fred Wilkerson Wilkerson (Taj) Blake Williams George Williams Steve Willis Lewis & Jennifer Wilson Pat Wilson Tim Wilson Jonathan Winfisky Fred Wisnuskie John Wolfe Bill Wollin Y James Yaun David Yoshikawa Joe Young (Young Designs) (?) Scott Young (Young Designs) Brett Young (Hot House Glass) Z Genny Zbach Jacob Zeal Larry Zengel (Hot House Glass) Bryan Zingmark Margaret Zinser Craig Zipper
  17. Then there's Charles' marble selling site but I don't remember the link ..... Edit: Found it. http://www.mibbage.com/
  18. And this one has some popular features including the auction data link. http://www.mibcollectors.com/
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