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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph


    Right before corkscrews hit the scene.
  2. Thought this might be a cleaner version of a Favorites box I already had posted, but it's a different graphic: http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/8526806/rare-christensen-agate-favorite-box-with-marbles-
  3. http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/8526806/rare-christensen-agate-favorite-box-with-marbles-
  4. Beetem: http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/8526659/filigrana-royal-ruby-clown-marble-
  5. I was glad to see a view which made it look like the marbles were shooting out of the wall.
  6. Those ends are looking Akro to me on the red/white. Maybe a lazy cork?
  7. So where I thought a seam might be on the red and white one, I no longer think so. Still would like to see a shot or two of the ends of the red ribbon on that one.
  8. What were the winning marbles in this? The blue, yellow and black one, right? I'm having a brain fart on the name of that .... galaxy?
  9. That's why I was scratching my head. 1. I know Sara's collection is old. I think a couple of newer marbles may have slipped in but it was overwhelmingly a vintage lot. 2. I did get a little bit of a Jabo feel, but see 1. 3. The marble on the right made me think of both Akro and Peltier depending on the view. In View 2, is that a seam between two red ribbons? Is the green and red one just green and red? Or does it have white also? Could you specially show us the ends of the patches? My initial guesses are that they're Akro, but still
  10. That's beautiful. You got a great deal. I couldn't begin to guess which company's cullet that is.
  11. Every few months I look in it again and am surprised by something I didn't know I had. (Would that be a bull's eye agate just above center?)
  12. nice pic for showing some variation.
  13. Bought Albert's marbles from Marblealan about 7 years ago, and that was going to be my handmade marble collection. Most of the rest were gifts. Used to have more ceramics including an AMT (and a couple of original boxes) but those went bye bye. (My slag collection is even smaller than my handmade collection so they're in here and the box is labelled "Old". )
  14. Good afternoon! I'll vote for Jabo.
  15. This one does not look very angel-y to me.
  16. This one looks Angel-y in spite of the base glass heading off toward white:
  17. Would love to see a photo of that box!
  18. Two examples of Tracers found in boxes where Rainbos were expected: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/8353-tracers-bloodies-rainbos-huh/ http://marbleconnection.com/topic/8160-berry-pink-marbles-help-needed/ In my mind: NLRs: late 1920's, early 1930s Angels: early 1930's to mid-1930's Bloody Mary's and Tracers: mid-1930's to 1940's.
  19. Here's a use for marbles I once read about in a newspaper. I've mentioned it before but now I have a source: The Jeweler's Circular, Volume 77, Issue 2, p. 47, January 29, 1919 https://books.google.com/books?id=kzUcAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA7-PA47 Wounded soldiers were trained to cut diamonds. Initially they practiced on marbles.
  20. Yeah, I'm going to guess mine is a little older. Thanks everyone!
  21. Is the yellow a separate color or a shmear from the red? Base is still white on that side, right? On the other side is that a blue ribbon?
  22. Steph

    Id Help

    My first and only guess is Marble King. What size?
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