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Everything posted by Steph

  1. I'll guess yes while waiting to hear from someone who can answer with at least a modicum of confidence.
  2. It is beautiful. We can make up a name! Blue champagne? Since we know it's a pelt I'll move the thread to the main chat to see if someone knows a name.
  3. Not a single marble? What a waste! How could you bear it?
  4. Steph

    Ppp Thread

    Interesting combo. ( : Blue and yellow patch in post #9?
  5. Steph

    Ppp Thread

    Thanks, Andrea. :) Mike will be glad to hear I'm finally calling the base blue. I'm still feeling pretty warm and happy about that patch. :) :)
  6. We finally got a few inches. At last it feels like winter. I needed that. Now off to walk to the post office in the 10 degree weather. Only 3 blocks ... I hate to warm the truck up for that! So it's layer time.
  7. Cullet is awesome. Not just starting out early but starting out early with some serious mibological stuff!
  8. Steph

    Ppp Thread

    Your red, white and blue one is gorgeous. What colors would you use to describe the middle one in post #2?
  9. I thought I had more than this. Four will do for now.
  10. Here's a marble (posted by oldflame) which got a split decision awhile back. I said flat out popeye. You agreed. Alan said popeye-ish and some might just call it a corkscrew because it was "somewhat lacking in the thready white strands". You said you thought you saw some good wisps in two of the photos oldflame showed. And my thought was "so what if you couldn't find any wisps?" What if it was solid white inside the clear, without any stray white strands? I was fascinated by the idea that the marble was part of an Akro tri-onyx run and would have been sold in a Popeye box, but that was somehow not enough to make it a Popeye.
  11. I just added some marbles to the popeye post to help make my point there. (: The glow in marbles such as Realers (and some of the more modern marbles with fire inside) seems to come from the play of the light between the white and clear regions. I think the grain of the Realer is what gives it the glow, or the grain together with the type of white glass used. Aces sometimes have conspicuous grain or striation, strengthening my hunch about what gives the marbles fire. So when the glass batch had a whole lot of white, then that means less clear and less chance for the light to play around inside. Here's Dani's Ace with hardly any white -- it made for a great pic: Here's another of Dani's Aces with much more white and the glow was more subdued, though it still looks good and probably looked great in hand: I have some marbles with the white base and black which I can see a soft orange glow through with strong backlight. I'm pretty positive those were from Ace runs. And there could be ones you just can't see the light through -- but when I think about what run Akro made them in, I can't help thinking that it was more likely that they were made in an Ace run than in a Prize Name run.
  12. What do you do with your marbles which you are SURE are a particular thing -- or at least have a good chance of being such a thing -- but they just don't check off all the boxes modern collectors have come to think are necessary?
  13. And we know about marbles which look like popeyes except they have hardly any clear or they have almost all clear and hardly any white .... Take these for instance in case I can't find better examples. Say you have marbles with this much white or even more .... Sometimes the person posting one like that is told their marble doesn't qualify as a popeye, even though I'm SURE that Akro made them as part of a Tri-Onyx Agate run (the official name for popeyes) .....
  14. Three people relatively recently have posted pix of marbles which I felt could be Aces. They backlit the marbles for me and reported no glow. But when I see lots like these found together in the wild (pix from Fred T and Sara) I can't help wondering. Especially when they have just the five colors on a white base and at least some of them look translucent, I can't help thinking they may have been part of an Ace run and they just got too much white.
  15. This is a Pelt. It's translucent but not too far from opaque. It seems like it should be an Acme Realer. But no fire. I suspect it was made as a Realer but something was just off ... too much white crowding out the glow.
  16. Steph

    Ppp Thread

    I think the ones up top with the fluorescent pale green bases are from later in the 1930's, so I wonder if they would still have been sold by Pelt as Peerless Patches of if they might only ever have been sent to the jobbers for inclusion in mesh bags.
  17. Maybe someone can share the pic. (hint hint hint )
  18. I knew the first one. The other two were new to me.
  19. I'll keep that in mind. But really I'm not worried. The balloons might not have been big enough anyway. They were specially for water balloons. I'll try again next year with bigger balloons and new dye. bahahahaha .... what a mess.
  20. Bump ... Two ending in about a half hour, several in 2 hours ...
  21. Steph

    Woot Woot

    oh man, that was intense
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