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Everything posted by Steph

  1. What? Huh? You don't got no bananas? Of any color? We gotta fix that!
  2. It's gotta be Vacor .... no? Still gorgeous, but how could it be anything else?
  3. ... it's sorta swirly .... that put me in a West Virginia frame of mind.
  4. I just found a baby blue & white in clear in my Pennsboro Alley box to back up that guess. I'm fairly solid Alley now.
  5. I wanna guess Alley on that one. The filament is horsehair oxblood. Sometimes happens with glass in the blue/green range. Presumably from copper-based elements used for coloring. I believe it to be accidental.
  6. .... ar ar ar I can totally see that now that you mention it. Camera illusion though ... the banana is more narrow looking in person. (:
  7. #2 sure is pretty. Is that a baby blue ribbon?
  8. #5 looks to me like a messed up game marble. If I had to make a guess I'd say Alley.
  9. #4 is obviously a slag, but whose? When there aren't clear identifying signs, Akro is a good guess based on numbers produced.
  10. #1 looks like a transitional. Maybe Japanese.
  11. Edit: split off for BullGull #1 #2. #3. #4. #5.
  12. My Pelt Honey Amber Banana ... Joe sent a card with provenance which would I wanted to use as the backdrop of the photo but I put the card somewhere "safe" so it wouldn't get bent and January will likely be over before I find it.
  13. Can't remember much about the dumpsite. I think that someone did some digging and then it was a middle man also in China who brokered the sales. I got the impression that it was a general dumpsite, not one connected with a glass house. Or at least no confirmation one way or the other about the nature of the dumpsite. ^^ vague memory
  14. I don't know ... wasn't sure what Mon was referring to when he said, "Not another book.........what is this one...I would like to get it? "
  15. Or at least an interesting cocktail
  16. For when the time comes ... http://www.ebay.com/sch/mattshaw1953/m.html
  17. Yes, you have some in your marbles. Or do you mean in an antique shop?
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