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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Group 8 #1. Foreign (I think) #2. Marble King, similar to some of those posted above #3. Marble King #4. Hard to say ... might need more views. #3 has a special name which I don't remember off the top of my head. I think #2 does also. I think #2 and #3 are both medium old.
  2. Group 7 #1. Marble King Rainbow. Could be 1960's or 1950's #2. Game #3. Game #4. Game
  3. I'm back and that baton is still lying there on the track. I'll pick it up again. Group 6 #1. Basic solid. A little bigger than traditional game marble. Don't see distinguishing features though, so probably goe in with the game marbles. #2. Foreign, modern #3. Don't know. First impulse was to say foreign. Guess it could be American-made though. #4. Marble King
  4. Group 5 #1. Hmmm ... who made purple swirls? Guess it could be Alley or Champion. Might have to settle for putting in with the game marbles. #2. Another hmmm ... and maybe Champion #3. Marble King Cat's Eye #4. Modern Marble King Okay, I'm tired now. Gonna stretch my legs. Maybe someone else will pick up the baton.
  5. Group 4 #1. Does this belong with Group 11? #2. I'm thinking Imperial. A nice Imperial. Could still be Master but I'm not leaning that way. #3. Marble King Cat's Eye. #4. Clearie. Hard to say who would have made it. So many companies made clearies. If you really really really want to know, you might be able to recognize the structure by putting it under a blacklight. Sometimes on the red ones you can seem seams or V's or swirls under a blacklight.
  6. They really deserve their own thread. Why don't you repost them in the General Marble and Glass Chat section. Get more people to see them ....
  7. Group 3: #1. Interesting. Has a Master structure. Could be modern "Imperial" though. From Asia. #2. I think Vitro #3. Marble King #4. Looks like #1 in Group 2. Modern, foreign.
  8. Group 2: #1. ?? Modern foreign, I think #2. Marble King Cat's Eye #3. messed up game marble #4. ?? Champion? Hard to say.
  9. Group 1: #1. Not sure. Bigger than an average "game marble". Possibly a Jabo ... made after 1990. #2. Foreign. Modern. Made in China or Mexico. #3. Modern Marble King, made after 1970 ... possibly much more recently. #4. Possibly older Marble King. Maybe 1960's?
  10. Group 11 is interesting. Very. I might have thought Peltier if I just saw one of two of them. Seeing so many at once makes me wonder if there was a modern lookalike made for that Peltier style.
  11. Hi! Welcome. Yikes. That's a lot in one post. Best to have a separate thread for each group. Separate threads make it easier for people to take a shot at 'em with a minimum of confusion and a maximum of energy. Group 10 looks like modern Marble Kings ... made in the 2000's possibly.
  12. So is this one of the marbles that some people have suggested could have been made in Canada?
  13. This is a knowledgeable seller with much experience and a good reputation who is a member of this forum. I trust he had an honest reason for calling it CAC, even if it turns out that he is mistaken.
  14. What? Huh? Yellow base on that banana? ... check to see if it lights up under blacklight ..... Yellow is cool. Lighting up be WOW. Did you check all the greens in sunlight for aventurine?
  15. I had some Vitros (I think) which had three vanes of one color on one side and three vanes of a different color on the other side. And if I recall correctly many of those vanes had serious sparkle. Like sparkle even in red vanes and white vanes. I wish I still had those ... but at the time I was buying marbles to turn around and sell ... and those sold well. Don't know if that sparkle counted as aventurine but that's how I billed it 'coz I still don't know any other way I could have billed it.
  16. Good stuff in those snippets, Sara. Yeah, bottle green tint is common and not generally desirable. Blue is often deemed special. Red is even more special than blue. I had some with a peach-tinted base. Sold them on ebay for more than the average amount ... think maybe I got around $4 per marble in a small group ... but don't recall for sure. Historical note: it was a fire not a flood which destroyed the St. Marys plant.
  17. Here's an article mentioning Payne. Here's a pic which is labeled Payne ... posted by BJ I believe.
  18. Joe McDonough found them. ... and gave me one. I guess I could/should take a pic for the yellow thread.
  19. Steph


    The weeks rush by so fast for me. January almost gone!
  20. One link now just to remind myself I want to do this. Coral: Corals .... And Questions ... And Stuff
  21. I posted that vote without seeing Darla's answer. Naturally seeing her post makes me doubt my answer especially since it was some of Darla's photos which helped me sort out my coral collection. I'm still sorta leaning Alley for the moment.
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