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Everything posted by Steph

  1. The brown on the first marble has an interesting distribution. That's a nice bunch of freebies. Way to go, Kaitlyn ... getting an early start.
  2. Some others from the same Shanghai lot ... with a picture taken by someone who actually had a camera not a scanner.
  3. Some which were found in a Shanghai dump:
  4. This one is mine. The last pic shows a spot which looks sanded down.
  5. Thought about archiving ... but for now I'll bump.
  6. http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2011/09/06/glow-away-10-odd-objects-made-from-uranium-glass/
  7. http://www.pinterest.com/pin/336855247103729467/
  8. What size are the marbles? When I saw them all being red my first thought was a story I'd read about red marbles in gumball machines, I think it was. Maybe with other colors mixed in but the red was somehow special. Them being slingshot probably makes more sense, but I wondered if that was a counter pack for store owners to sell individual red shooters from.
  9. I'm not sure I recall seeing CAC pricelists. Have seen some Albright prices, which include some CAC's ... though I'm not sure they were done while CAC was in business.
  10. Ann: Re, the reference to deliberately-introduced ... When I think about hybrid on Popeyes I don't think about an intentional third color. Not like with a Vitro hybrid. I think of a little old glass still being in the tank when they change to the other color. But that's just how I picture it. I don't even know what I mean when I say "tank". I'm not one of the people who have spent a lot of time studying the actual physical set-up. Sara: Glad it's fun to think about. If it ever stops being fun, step back and take a break. And remember anyway you cut it, it's a popeye, which is one of the most fun marbles ever.
  11. Interesting. A "Peltier Volleyball". I can't remember ever hearing that name before. It's actually been so long that I've forgotten what these are ... are they Master?
  12. American Machine-Made Marbles shows a blister pack on p. 175 with 30 All-Reds. Six rows of five. At the top it says "Out of This World". Which seems like a completely different purpose from what 60 red would be for, but it's a cardback .... The AMMM price estimate for that one says $250-300. Soooo a 9 year old estimate for not the same item .... I'll hush now ....
  13. The pastel baseballs can be in a league of their own.
  14. Glass blending in the same way as paint would?
  15. I'm trying to remember what I saw one which looked like that called ..... was it lemon meringue?
  16. For the blizzard http://morphyauctions.hibid.com/lot/5206652/shrunken-core-onionskin-with-suspended-mica-
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