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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Ooops, they were unruly and I missed the color on one. Red patch hiding on the one on the right.
  2. Checked my most reliable Vitro contacts. Can't find anyone who has seen one before. Treasure.
  3. Some of those have GOT to be American.
  4. I could break it off into a Champion versus Veiligglas discussion thread. I didn't doubt your ID coz I know you have your sources in the U.S. I was just amazed by how close they were. Say the word and I'll split these into a new thread.
  5. Ooooh oooh ooooh ... is that Barberton?
  6. In January? Way to beat the rush! That's a nice assortment.
  7. It seems nice enough to have a name ... but we didn't think it would have one since it's a Rainbo. At least it looks like a Rainbo. If it has a name I'll have to pass that along to the guy who gave it to me. He'll be glad to learn it. He had a few awhile back so he may still have them. But I need to confirm first. ... so that's a name for a Rainbo not an NLR? Or you think I might have an NLR here?
  8. I know I'm gonna love this thread.
  9. I have some new ones to gather together and photograph. But I do love this unusual rainbo.
  10. Well, while I was looking for some bananas I ran across this interesting yellow rainbo. Looks a little custardy here. There's a little more shiny, yellow effect in hand.
  11. Good way to say it (Or inside on the vanes if it's a cats eye) Sometimes is looks more crystalline or flaky. Sometimes it's a shimmery sheen. Black and green are the most common colors to find it in but it could happen in blue and I've seen sparkle in red and white which I called aventurine though I don't know if others would. Did you have any green cat's eyes other than the Pelts ... you could check those under a good light and maybe get an *oooooh*. Or check the black on your Pelt NLR's.
  12. The bubbly one? No. Here's some aventurine: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/19091-post-your-aventurine/
  13. The Vacor Old Fashions would NOT be easy to sort out of a WV lot.
  14. Steph

    Old Or New

    Looks old. No idea whose though.
  15. Oooh ... she had to pick some tricky ones.
  16. You could also get marbles for playing.
  17. Hi. Gonna move this to the main forum so more might see. I'll leave a link in the buy-sell-trade forum.
  18. Thanks Winnie. ... and I like your comparison example!
  19. That's a kinda pretty MK. .... Does it have a special name? I wouldn't mind his uranium slag collection. That's a nice group.
  20. Here's Cheese's CAC and Alley comparison. CAC on the left. Alley on the right. Post any comparisons you feel inclined to. New versus old. Company A versus Company B. Different shades of colors within the same family. American versus Japanese or European. Sparkler versus Sunburst. NLR versus Rainbo. Anything.
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