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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Here are Jill Marie's tracer examples from the Pelt pics thread:
  2. On the marble at the link, the white and yellow ribbons appear to be carefully paired up with each other. I've been hoping someone would remind me of the ribbon count on the angels since they're so hard to count in the photos. But first of all they are difficult to count in the photos, which is different from this more tracer-looking marble. And secondly, I think there are different numbers of yellow and colored ribbons on the angels. They aren't evenly matched like on the tracer-looking marble.
  3. Is that a single brown ribbon? That's the impression I'm getting. If that's one brown ribbon then I'd guess swirl, not Pelt.
  4. Yes, cullet would be the word. Any idea whose? Where did you come across it?
  5. Red, yellow and white in clear. Shooter size. 23/32" Does this one have a name? And is it Rainbo or NLR or tweener? (Obviously I am assuming Pelt. )
  6. I could be way off base here. There's a first time for everything.
  7. http://www.crywalt.com/blog/2009/03/lisa-dinhofer.html
  8. https://visualingual.wordpress.com/2012/12/05/losing-my-marbles-by-lisa-dinhofer/
  9. And "meatier" is a word I sometimes think of in connection with the NLR's. Then there are ones which are sort of in-between as far as how meaty they look and they sometimes get called "tweeners" and spawn grand discussions. Not everyone likes the name "tweener". I do though.
  10. A coupla nice comparison shots there.
  11. Ooops, sorry for saying red. I do not see Akro in that structure. I could see Peltier ..... ???
  12. What they said. I don't feel like I'm arguing. More like discussing. And trying to explain why I don't feel comfortable talking about the white-ish looking ones. If Alan or Zaboo calls it an angel variant then they carries weight. I don't feel comfortable with it though, and so I feel especially uncomfortable extending the definition without a lot of specific boxes being checked off. And so far the boxes don't look like they will be checked off. Some because what is shown isn't matching my idea of angel, and some because I'd like to see more details I haven't seen yet. But definitely not arguing in a bad way. Hope people aren't becoming too frustrated.
  13. Red patch on both sides? Are we sure it's Akro?
  14. So far there are only three recognized Angel color combinations. To get another color combination recognized as being an Angel, you'd need to have a slam-dunk case for it. Dead on in traditional base color and traditional ribbon configuration. Having a variant of a variant probably wouldn't be enough to get people to welcome the alternate color combination into the Angel family. That's the best way I can summarize my feelings on this topic.
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