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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Steph

    Pasta Poll

    But on a happy note, I picked up some yu choy from the Asian market around the corner. Last time my first bok choy. This time my first yu choy. Had never heard of yu choy before but now I've cooked and eaten some.
  2. Steph

    Pasta Poll

    Our farmers market is open two days a week for part of the year. Closes this month for the winter. I went there once this season. It was small and kind of made me sad.
  3. I don't think that link is working.
  4. I don't recognize them. Would be great to hear from someone who does.
  5. Steph


    Boys Playing Marbles, Delphi, Greece, by Ann Parker
  6. If this is the Vacor I have in mind, I'd guess it was after the year 2000. The ones I found in my search don't quite match but I'm still considering it as a possibility. (Thinking of Vacor Jungle.)
  7. That one makes me think of Vacor. I still don't see Vacor on your other two-colors in transparent. This one though ... ? How old do you think it is?
  8. Steph

    Pasta Poll

    My small Wisconsin town is not very diverse. It has a thriving Hmong population though, so that's a nice culinary influence.
  9. Steph


    Tried to find a magazines thread. Will start a new year thread instead. Courtesy of Paul Germann
  10. Steph


    I can dig it. Go Royals!
  11. Bump from March! I just noticed the pale blue bases on some of these ..... ... or it looks like pale blue bases .....
  12. Steph

    Pasta Poll

    How much do Europeans cook from scratch? I use nearly instant foods -- like canned soup and just-add-boiling water soup pouches. So I'm not eating out but rarely am cooking from scratch. My grandmother cooked from scratch so much that she made her own noodles. But she was a home economics teacher in the first half of the 1900's.
  13. We have a lobster-free house. Hubby is too conscious of it being boiled alive. I might try not to think of it but he won't let me not.
  14. Well anyway, in case that sounded smug or something, yeah, I agree with Peltier.
  15. Oh, I thought Peltier was understood. I thought we were just trying to figure out what the name of it might be.
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